(a)   Except as noted herein, no open channels (natural or man-made) will be enclosed within a storm sewer when an area is developed. This policy will apply even when the open watercourse is located on a property line.
   (b)   If exceptions are granted on any project, it will be with the requirement that any enclosure will convey flow from the entire tributary drainage area up to the ten-year recurrence interval. A flood routing flow path must be provided through the development site for all storms greater than the ten-year recurrence interval. This flood routing path must be clearly shown on the site development plans.
   (c)   For all natural or manmade open channels, a stream corridor protection zone (riparian setback) will be required. This zone shall be kept in as natural a state as possible so that it can perform its inherent function of erosion protection, flood storage and water quality protection.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)