(a) The Limited Manufacturing District (LM) is established for the purpose of preserving areas of the municipality for industrial and related uses of such a nature that they do not create serious problems of compatibility with other kinds of land uses, and to make provision for certain kinds of commercial uses which are most appropriately located ancillary to industrial users or which are necessary to service the immediate needs of people in these areas.
(b) Uses under the LM District generally require a minimum of services and facilities. Such uses typically operate within enclosed structures and have little or no adverse effect on adjacent land by producing noise, odor, dust, smoke, glare or other hazards. The intent of the district is to encourage industrial development that is architecturally sensitive, incorporating landscaping, generous setbacks, and minimal signage.
(c) Performance standards are identified and required to be met by all uses under the LM District to ensure that those uses are appropriate to the municipality and that such development is a positive addition to the municipality without creating undue negative environmental impacts.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)