Land and buildings in the Neighborhood Commercial District (NC) shall be used only for the following purposes:
   (a)   Retail Stores. Retail stores primarily engaged in selling merchandise for personal or household consumption and rendering services incidental to the sale of the goods (including the buying or processing of goods for resale) including:
      (1)   Hardware stores.
      (2)   Convenience food markets.
      (3)   Meat and fish (seafood) markets.
      (4)   Fruit stores and vegetable markets.
      (5)   Candy, nut and confectionery stores.
      (6)   Dairy products stores.
      (7)   Retail bakeries.
      (8)   Drug stores and proprietary stores.
      (9)   Florists.
      (10)   Electronic products.
      (11)   Video rental store.
      (12)   Eating and drinking establishments with no drive-thru window service.
   (b)   Personal Services. Personal services generally involving the care of the person or his/her personal effects including:
      (1)   Beauty shops.
      (2)   Barber shops.
      (3)   Shoe repair shops.
      (4)   Pressing, dry-cleaning, alteration and garment repair.
   (c)   Business and Professional Offices. Business offices carrying on no retail trade with the general public and having no stock of goods maintained for sale to customers and professional offices engaged in providing tangible and intangible services to the general public, involving both persons and their possessions including:
      (1)   Commercial and stock savings banks.
      (2)   Credit agencies other than banks.
      (3)   Personal credit institutions.
      (4)   Insurance agents, brokers and service.
      (5)   (Real estate) agents, brokers and managers.
      (6)   Combinations of real estate, insurance, loan and law offices.
      (7)   Offices of physicians and surgeons.
      (8)   Offices of dentists and dental surgeons.
      (9)   Offices of chiropractors.
      (10)   Legal services.
      (11)   Health care maintenance and emergency services.
   (d)   Children's Nurseries, Day Care Centers and Pre-schools provided that the following conditions are met, where applicable:
      (1)   The building occupied by the use is compatible with neighborhood structures in dimension, size, and architecture.
      (2)   There is an outdoor play area of 85 square feet or more per child.
      (3)   Such play area shall be enclosed with a chain link fence or its equivalent in strength and protective character to a height of five feet to control accessibility of children to adjoining hazardous conditions such as streets, ponds, etc., or adjacent yards.
      (4)   A drop off area is provided so that children do not have to walk through the parking lot to enter the facility.
      (5)   Parking spaces are provided as specified in Chapter 1185.
      (6)   The facility meets or exceeds State of Ohio provisions for daycare operations.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)