(a) The Multi-Family Residential Districts shall consist of the following subdistricts: Multi-Family Apartment Residential District (MF-A) and Multi-Family Condominium Residential District (MF-C).
(b) The Multi-Family Apartment Residential District (MF-A) is established as a medium density multi-family district intended to allow renter properties in an apartment configuration at suitable locations with on-site amenities, such as recreational facilities, and off-street parking.
(c) The Multi-Family Condominium Residential District (MF-C) is established as a medium density multi-family district intended to allow owner occupied properties in a condominium configuration at suitable locations with on-site amenities, such as recreational facilities, and off-street parking.
(d) Such uses in the Multi-Family Residential Districts (MF-A or MF-C) shall be serviced by public water and sanitary sewer systems.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)