(a) Land Use.
(1) The entire land area of the TND shall be divided into blocks, streets, and lots, and optional edge areas.
(2) Permitted uses. All uses permitted in R-1, R-3, MF-A, MF-C, NC, GC and SO districts
are permitted within the TND.
(3) Similar land uses (uses within the same land use category) shall generally face across streets. Dissimilar uses, when adjacent, shall abut at rear lot lines. Parks and squares uses and civic uses are considered similar land uses for the purposes of this provision.
(4) Neighborhoods shall be limited in size or shape to allow residents to walk to the neighborhood square.
(5) The TND shall contain a meeting hall or clubhouse, and neighborhood square within 1,000 feet of the geographic center of each neighborhood.
(6) A neighborhood proper shall provide areas of mixed use (residential and commercial) buildings and shall encourage by design the clustering of living, working, recreation, shopping, and civic uses.
(7) A drive-through is allowed under the following conditions:
A. No more than one drive-through lane is allowed within the neighborhood proper.
B. The drive-through must not have its entrance or exit drive onto an "A" street.
C. The drive-through is located at the rear or side of the building.
(b) Streets and Alleys.
(1) Streets shall provide access to all lots and all residential lots shall abut an alley, unless the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines that good cause exists to omit an alley or a portion of an alley.
(2) All streets and alleys shall connect to other streets within the TND. All streets shall connect to existing and projected streets outside the TND, when possible. Cul-de-sacs, T-turnarounds and gated or dead-end streets are not permitted within the TND.
(3) Pedestrian pathways shall be not less than four feet in width.
(4) Utilities shall run underground or along an alley to the rear of a lot.
(5) Street lighting shall be provided along all streets. The general rule for lighting in a TND is to prefer more, smaller lights as opposed to fewer, high-intensity lights, to provide a more human scale. Street light structures shall not exceed 18 feet in height. Streetlights shall be installed on both sides of streets at intervals no longer than 75 feet measured parallel to the street. Building, wall, and freestanding exterior lighting fixtures shall be directed downward in order to reduce glare onto adjacent properties and streets. If the provisions for lighting of this TND District conflict with the municipal lighting policy, the provisions of the TND District shall prevail.
(6) The TND plan shall designate publicly and privately owned civic lots and, where possible, the general location of a civic building at the terminus of street vistas for all major internal streets. Termination of street vistas with a prominent public monument, specifically designed building facade, or a gateway to the ensuing space, is also encouraged.
(7) A neighborhood's residences, shopping, employment, and recreation shall be connected by sidewalks, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, and local streets.
(8) All streets shall have a six-inch high curb except for streets in house use areas, where they are encouraged but not required. A curb, six inches in height, is required at all street intersections. There shall be curb cuts providing handicap access at all intersections and points of pedestrian crossing. Curb interruptions are permitted only for alleys, handicap access, and parking access points specified herein.
(9) Shopfront use lots, rowhouse use lots, house use lots, and workplace use lots shall have their rear lot lines coinciding with an alley. Alleys shall be designed in such a manner as to ensure compatibility with its intended use.
(10) Other street specifications:
Shopfront | Rowhouse | House | Workplace |
Shopfront | Rowhouse | House | Workplace | |
Typical street right-of-way | 60 feet | 50 feet | 46 feet | 60 feet |
Number of street travel lanes | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Travel lane widths | 11 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 12 feet |
Number of parallel parking lanes | At least 1 | At least 1 | 0 | At least 1 |
Width of parallel parking lane | 8 feet | 8 feet | NA | 8 feet |
Sidewalk on both sides of street | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Minimum width of sidewalk | 8 feet | 6 feet | 6 feet | 8 feet |
Maximum intersection curb radius* | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 15 feet |
Design speed of streets | 25 mph | 25 mph | 25 mph | 25 mph |
* Or larger as determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator due to reasonably expected traffic volumes or traffic types as noted by "Traditional Neighborhood Development Street Design Guidelines," by ITE, 6/97.
(11) Parallel parking shall be located adjacent to all shopfront lots when such lots front a square, park and/or plaza. Otherwise, parallel parking is encouraged.
(12) Shopfront use lots and rowhouse use lots may front on a square or park tract. In addition, a public access easement shall provide for public passage for shopfront use sidewalks - excepting an area within four feet of the shopfronts which may be occupied by furniture for restaurants.
(13) For house use lot streets, planting strips are required on each side. However, a parallel parking lane may be used in place of either planting strip.
(14) Shopfront use lots and workplace use lots may front on through streets if approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Shopfront use lots may also front on a town center.
(15) If colonnades are provided on shopfront use lot streetside sidewalks, no street trees are required on that side of the street.
(c) Lots and Buildings.
(1) Consistent build-to lines shall be established along all streets and public space frontages. This build-to line shall determine the width and ratio of enclosure desired for each street or public space. A minimum percentage build-out at the build-to line shall be established on the plan along all streets and public square frontages.
(2) All buildings shall have their main entrance opening to a street or square (except outbuildings).
(3) Stoops, colonnades, chimneys, arcades, awnings, cafes, projecting signs and front porches may encroach up to ten feet into the front setback, as long as sufficient space for the required sidewalk width is retained.
(d) Facade Treatment.
(1) No more than 20 feet of horizontal distance of wall shall be provided without facade articulation or architectural relief for building walls and frontage walls facing the street. Facade articulation or architectural relief can include, but is not limited to, pilasters, windows, pedestrian entrances, arcades, awnings, shutters and canopies, or other types of building massing that modulates the building mass or surface texture. Facade articulation shall maintain a distinction between the street-level story and upper stories.
(2) The rhythm established by the repetition of the facade elements shall be maintained.
(e) All outdoor mechanical equipment, such as heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems, must be placed on the roof, in the rear or side of the building, or otherwise visually screened from the street. In no case shall mechanical equipment be allowed along street frontage(s). Mechanical equipment on the roof shall be screened from abutting streets with parapets or other types of visual screening.
(f) Signage. A comprehensive sign program is required for the entire TND which establishes a uniform sign theme. Signs shall share a common style (color scheme, type, size, material), as approved by Council.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)