(a)   Application to be Made. Written application for a conditional use shall be made by property owner(s) or lessee(s) to Council.
   (b)   Application Fee. A fee as stipulated by ordinance shall be paid by the applicant to cover the costs of advertising, review, publishing, and reporting of the application, payable to the General Fund.
   (c)   Application Contents. The application for a conditional use shall contain as a minimum:
      (1)   Name, address and phone number of the applicant(s) and representative(s) if any, and the signature of the property owner(s).
      (2)   A current and accurate legal description of the property(s) in question and a current survey prepared by a licensed surveyor.
      (3)   A description of existing use, current zoning district, and proposed conditional use.
      (4)   A list of all property owners within, contiguous to, and directly across the street from the property(s) in question. The list of addresses may correspond to the County Auditor's current tax list.
      (5)   A statement of the relationship of the proposed use to the general welfare of the community, to appropriate plans for the area, and to the changed or changing conditions behind the request.
      (6)   A statement of the relationship of the proposed use to adjacent land use in terms of traffic, parking, noise, and other potential nuisances and general compatibility.
      (7)   A plot plan to show:
         A.   Boundaries and dimensions of the lot and the size and location of all proposed and existing structures.
         B.   Traffic access, traffic circulation, existing and proposed utilities, parking, lighting and illumination, landscaping, signs, and other such information relevant to the proposed use.
         C.   Such additional information as may be required by this Zoning Code and/or requested by Council and/or Planning and Zoning Administrator to review the application.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)