(a)   The Technical Review Group shall act on engineering construction plans presented to it within a reasonable time. The property owner or applicant shall be advised as to the decision of the Technical Review Group by letter and/or legible markings and notes on the plans.
   (b)   All updated engineering construction plans and supporting information submitted to the Technical Review Group for review shall include all revisions and/or clarifications as previously requested. Should any information not be included with the updated submittal, it shall be deemed incomplete and returned to the property owner or applicant with a written explanation of what information is missing. No incomplete updated submittal shall be reviewed by the Technical Review Group until the requested revisions have been made and/or clarifications have been provided.
   (c)   Approval of engineering construction plans by the Technical Review Group shall expire 12 months from the date of such approval. A single extension, not to exceed six months, may be given by the Technical Review Group upon written request by the property owner or applicant.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)