(a)   Council shall act on site plans presented to it within 60 calendar days of receipt of the major site plan from the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The property owner or applicant shall be advised as to the decision of Council by letter and/or legible markings and notes on the plans.
   (b)   Public notification for the review of major site plans shall consist of listing on the Council's meeting agenda posted in accordance all applicable laws and rules.
   (c)   All updated site plans and supporting information submitted for Council's review shall include all revisions requested by Council. Upon the submittal of updated site plans and supporting information, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall review the submittal for compliance with the requested revisions. Should any information not be included with the updated submittal, it shall be deemed incomplete and returned to the property owner or applicant with a written explanation of what information is missing. No incomplete updated submittal shall be reviewed by village officials until the requested revisions have been made.
   (d)   Council may attach conditions to the site plan approval as may be reasonably required for the public health, safety and welfare.
   (e)   Approval of a site plan by Council shall expire 12 months from the date of such approval unless building permits have been obtained for construction in accordance therewith. A single extension, not to exceed six months, may be given by Council upon written request by the property owner or applicant.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)