Every site plan submitted in accordance with this chapter shall contain the following information:
(a) A boundary survey conducted within two years of the application submittal.
(b) The name of the development, the name and address of the property owner and developer, north point, date of the plan being submitted, scale and number of sheets.
(c) The name of property owners, zoning, and present use of adjoining lands.
(d) Location of all minimum building setback lines.
(e) Location, type, and size of existing vehicular ingress and egress to the site.
(f) Location, names, and dimensions of proposed and existing streets, buildings, easements and drainage ways.
(g) Location, type, size and height of all fencing, screening, and buffering where required by this Code.
(h) Provisions for the adequate control of erosion and sedimentation indicating the proposed temporary and permanent control practices and measures which will be implemented during all phases of clearing, grading and construction.
(i) All off-street parking and parking bays, loading spaces, ingress and egress and walkways indicating type of surfacing and showing the number of parking spaces provided and the number of parking spaces required.
(j) Number of floors, floor area, height and location of each building, and proposed general use for each building. In a multi-family residential building, the number, size, and type of dwelling units shall be shown.
(k) Building elevations depicting actual composition and architectural style for all proposed structures.
(l) Preliminary plans for the provision of, but not limited to, water, wastewater and storm water utilities.
(m) The location of any proposed refuse removal pads.
(n) Location and size of all recreation and open space areas.
(o) Special flood hazard area limits established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Maps on file with the Floodplain Administrator and/or accepted engineering methods. Special flood hazard area limits shall be shown on all plan sheets.
(p) The location, width, size, and purpose of all existing easements and rights-of-way and whether they are to be publicly or privately maintained.
(q) Such other relevant data as Council or the Planning and Zoning Administrator may require.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)