(a)   The following shall apply for all non-residential developments, residential developments, and residential subdivisions:
      (1)   Planning and zoning review. An application for site development plan or development plan shall be made per Chapter 1141 or Chapter 1173 of this Zoning Code, respectively, in conjunction with any other planning and zoning applications as deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Engineering review. An application for engineering construction plan review shall be made per Chapter 1141 of this Zoning Code. All applications required in division (a)(1) of this section shall receive approval prior to the application, review, or approval of engineer construction plans.
      (3)   Building review. An application for building plan review shall be made as required per the Ohio Building Code. All applications required in division (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section shall receive approval prior to the application, review, or approval of building plans.
      (4)   Permission to build. Permission to build or conduct any site work shall not be permitted until all planning and zoning applications have been approved per division (a)(1) of this section, engineering construction plans have been approved per division (a)(2) of this section, and building plans have been approved per division (a)(3) of this section.
   (b)   The following shall apply for all single family residential lots and residential accessory structures.
      (1)   Planning and zoning review. An application for a certificate of zoning compliance shall be made per this chapter in conjunction with any other planning and zoning applications as deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Building review. An application for building plan review shall be made. Chapter 4101:1-1 to 4101:1-35 of the Ohio Administrative Code, collectively known as the "Ohio Building Code", including all referenced standards contained therein, shall apply and be enforced within the municipality of Commercial Point, Ohio. All required planning and zoning applications shall receive approval prior to the application, review, or approval of building plans.
      (3)   Permission to build. Permission to build or conduct any site work shall not be permitted until all planning and zoning applications have been approved per division (b)(1) of this section and building plans have been approved per division (b)(2) of this section.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)