All residential developments are required to address parkland and green space needs. Council shall determine whether a parkland is to be an active park or a passive park, green space, or some combination. A parkland is to be developed according to the approved plan at the beginning of the residential development. Only 40% of a required parkland acreage can be located within the 100-year floodplain.
   (a)   Active Park: Active park land shall contain usable areas reasonably dry most of the time for future buildings and structures. The developer is required to install the park's play equipment as determined by Council. A park development plan that includes the type and location of play equipment shall be approved by Council.
   (b)   Passive Park: The developer is required to install the park's furniture as determined by Council. A park development plan that includes the type and location of play equipment shall be approved by Council.
   (c)   Developer Providing Land for Village Utilities in Lieu of Parkland or Green Space: If the village determines that space in a development is needed for utility improvements, including but not limited to a water tower, booster, lift station or such, that space shall be donated and deeded to the village and may be considered part of the required green space or parkland.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-20020)