Each lot shall be served by an adequate sanitary sewage collection and disposal system.
   (a)   (1)   All sanitary sewer pipe shall be PVC sewer pipe ASTM D-3034, SDR 35 and ASTM F-679 or HDPE minimum DR-17. All pipes shall have sufficient strength to withstand an HS-20 live load. If PVC pipe is used, a mandrel test is required just prior to expiration of the one-year guarantee to assure maximum deflection of 5% has not been exceeded. Any pipe that fails this test will be replaced at the subdividers expense.
      (2)   PVC pipe, shall be shop tested in accordance with the City of Columbus Construction Inspection Division's quality control program at the subdivider's expense. A report of the material tests shall be provided to the Municipal Engineer.
   (b)   New sanitary sewers, along with waterlines and storm drains, shall be placed within the roadway right-of-way and meet the required horizontal and vertical separation as set forth by the OEPA. All sanitary sewage collection systems shall be constructed in accordance with the rules, regulations, standards and specifications of Commercial Point, OEPA's Ten-State Standards and the Ohio Department of Health.
   (c)   A map must be provided delineating the contributing area in acres to the sanitary sewer system. All sanitary sewer manholes shall be numbered, consistent with the numbering on the improvement plans. A copy of the location map may be used for this purpose.
   (d)   Sanitary sewers shall be designed in accordance with the latest edition of OEPA's "Ten States Standards."
   (e)   The subdivider shall provide the municipality with all required OEPA approvals and pay all OEPA and associated review fees.
   (f)   Minimum collection line size shall be eight inches.
   (g)   All sanitary sewer manholes and covers shall conform to Commercial Point Standard Drawings.
   (h)   Service shall be provided to each lot. If basement service is not provided, it shall be so noted on the sanitary sewer improvement plans and on the final plat. Risers shall be provided where the service is greater than 12 feet deep, provided that basement service will still be provided.
   (i)   All sanitary sewers shall be videotaped in DVD format after construction prior to acceptance of the sewers by the municipality. The DVD shall remain the property of the municipality. The DVD shall clearly identify the location of the camera within the sewer, date and time of DVD, and be of sufficient quality to determine the condition of the sewers.
   (j)   The top of the manhole cover shall be flush with the finished grade of the surrounding area. Covers are not permitted to be buried nor be above final grade.
   (k)   Plan view on sanitary sewer plans must include the following: (TBC by engineer).
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)