Final subdivision plats shall be on sheet(s) no larger than 24-inches by 36-inches and prepared at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet, drawn in black India ink on reproducible Mylar. The entire project on a single sheet when possible. If more than two sheets are required, an index sheet shall be included. The reproducible Mylar shall meet the size requirements of the applicable County Auditor's Office and County Recorder's Office. Where information is required for items off-site, and access to such areas is not available to the registered surveyor preparing the final plat, required information may be an approximate nature, based on an existing recorded plat(s) of surrounding parcels and must be so noted. Final subdivision plats shall include the following:
   (a)   A location map showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision to the surrounding area.
   (b)   The name of the subdivision, name and address of the developer, the name and registration number of the registered surveyor, a north arrow, scale, and date the plat was prepared.
   (c)   The location by section, range, and township or other surveys of the subdivision.
   (d)   The current names and locations of all adjoining property owners and adjacent subdivisions within 150 feet of the proposed subdivision.
   (e)   The current zoning of the property to be subdivided and of the contiguous properties.
   (f)   The location and dimensions of all boundary lines of the property being subdivided with accurate distance and bearings, including section, municipal corporation, and county lines.
   (g)   Accurate dimensions for all lots, reserve parcels, rights-of-way, and all known easements.
   (h)   The numbering of the lots in the final subdivision plat application. All lots within the entire subdivision, including any future sections or additions, shall be numbered consecutively starting with the first plat to be recorded and beginning with the number 'one'.
   (i)   The location, width, names and classification of all existing and proposed streets, rights-of-way and easements, and where pertinent, their designated use, within 500 feet of the proposed subdivision.
   (j)   Curve data for all proposed streets including the radii, arcs, chords, chord bearings, tangent and central angle.
   (k)   Accurate location of all required monuments.
   (l)   A summary of the area of land used for each of the following: (1) lots, (2) rights-of-way, and (3) parks, open space, and other public or private reservation, with designation of the purpose and purposed ownership and maintenance thereof.
   (m)   Location of setback lines from all rights-of-way, public or private, and the building envelope shown on all lots.
   (n)   An acknowledgment by and bearing the signature of the owner that the subdivision plat was prepared with the owner's consent and approval and dedicating the public streets and the appropriate areas to Commercial Point.
   (o)   A statement signed by the owner setting forth the rights associated with the easements and reserve parcels shown on the subdivision plat.
   (p)   Certification by the registered surveyor who prepared the subdivision plat that the information contained on the plat is true and correct and conforms to the requirements of these Subdivision Regulations.
   (q)   A signature block for the endorsement of an approved final subdivision plat by the Mayor and Fiscal Officer upon the approval by Council. The signature block and associated final subdivision plat wording is shown in Appendix B.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)