Boundary Line Adjustment Exemption. The boundary line adjustment process is an administrative process conducted by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Boundary line adjustments cannot be used to create new parcels of record.
(a) Criteria. An application must meet, at a minimum, all of the criteria below:
(1) Resulting parcels comply with the adopted standard platting conditions and any other conditions determined applicable by the Planning and Zoning Administrator or municipal engineer.
(2) Resulting parcels comply with all applicable zoning, building, fire, and health codes, rules and regulations.
(b) Submittal Process. The submittal process below shall apply to all boundary line adjustments:
(1) The applicant shall file two complete copies of the exemption request to the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
(2) The submittal shall be reviewed in a timely manner for completeness by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The applicant shall be notified in writing of any inadequacies, missing or incomplete documentation. No application for boundary line adjustment shall be reviewed by village officials until all required information has been received by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
(3) Once the submittal is determined complete, the Planning and Zoning Administrator will conduct a site characteristics analysis and perform a site visit to verify characteristics and determine if the application meets the criteria for a boundary line adjustment. The Planning and Zoning Administrator may consult with the municipal engineer and other municipal officials as necessary.
(4) If the Planning and Zoning Administrator denies the exemption request, the applicant shall have the right to appeal it to Council in accordance with § 1105.08 of these Subdivision Regulations. If the request is approved on appeal, the applicant shall submit the final exemption documents.
(c) Submittal Requirements. In addition to the submittal requirements listed below, the Planning and Zoning Administrator may request other materials or information as deemed necessary, before or during the process.
(1) Application form, as provided by the Planning and Zoning Administrator, signed by the property owner(s).
(2) A fee as stipulated by Chapter 1117, paid by the applicant, shall be included with all application filings.
(3) Preliminary drawing: drawing of the properties involved submitted at a scale no less than 1-inch equals 100-feet. The drawing shall, at a minimum, depict the following:
A. The title shall be placed at the top of the sheet and shall include: the name of the proposed exemption and a general legal description.
B. The drawing shall include: the preparation date; a north arrow; a written and graphic scale; the name, address, and phone number of the person who prepared the exhibit.
C. The proposed boundaries of the subject properties shall be depicted in a heavy solid line and any boundaries proposed to be deleted depicted with a dashed line.
D. Boundaries of adjacent properties or portions of those boundaries that are in immediate proximity of the subject properties shall be depicted in a lighter line weight.
E. Other elements that may be required are: existing roads; existing structures; utilities; site modifications and easements.
(d) Final Exemption Documents. Upon approval of the preliminary drawing by the Planning and Zoning Administrator, a boundary survey for all affected properties, prepared by a certified land surveyor duly registered by the State of Ohio, shall be submitted along with legal descriptions of said properties. The boundary survey shall be at a scale no less than 1" = 100'. New legal descriptions are not valid until the final approved documents, including new deeds, are signed and recorded with the applicable County Auditor's Office and County Recorder's Office. If the new legal descriptions are not recorded within 30 calendar days of approval, the descriptions deemed to be null and void.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)