Number of Lights | Location |
Number of Lights | Location |
One light | South Street on West Street intersection |
One light | North Street on West Street intersection |
One light | At the cross of two unnamed alleys, one alley running north from Scioto Street to Assyrian Street: other alley running east from Belshazzer Street to Cyrus Street |
One light | Brown Street erected halfway between Front Street on East and Main Street West |
Three lights | Scioto Street erected between the corporation limits to the west and the school property to the east |
One light | First Street on Harsh Alley intersection |
One light | Second Street on Harsh Alley intersection |
One light | On Harsh Alley erected halfway between First Street on the east and Second Street on the west |
One light | Third Street on Harsh Alley intersection |
One light | Harsh Alley erected halfway between Second Street on the east and Third Street on the west |
(Ord. 1-8-70, passed 8-3-1970; Am. Ord. 11-2-71, passed 11-15-1971; Am. Ord. 11-3-71, passed 11-15-1971; Am. Ord. 5-11-72, passed 11-6-1972)