(A)   No unauthorized person(s) shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the agency having jurisdiction over the public sewer or appurtenance.
   (B)   There shall be two classes of sewer permits:
      (1)   Building sewer permits for residential, commercial, industrial or public facilities; and
      (2)   Permit to discharge industrial wastes for industrial establishments as defined in § 53.03 above.
   (C)   Building sewer permits for all connections shall be obtained under the regulation of, and in accordance with the requirements of the municipal agency or public utility having jurisdiction over the public sewer to which the connection is proposed to be made.
   (D)   In addition to the requirements of division (C) above, any person who, after the effective date of this chapter proposes to originate the discharge of any industrial waste for the first time into the sanitary sewerage system or who proposes to make a significant change in the character or volume of any industrial waste theretofore discharged into the sanitary sewerage system shall apply to the town for a "permit to discharge industrial wastes" on the special form furnished by the town. The applications shall be supplemented by the information as the Director may reasonably require for purposes of determining whether the qualifications are met as specified in division (I) below.
   (E)   In the event of failure of the Director to issue to the applicant a written grant or denial of a permit within 60 days from the submission of an application or within 60 days from the submission of any additional information requested from the applicant by the Director (which shall be requested within 30 days after submission of the original application), it shall be unlawful for the applicant to discharge the industrial waste described in the application into the sanitary sewerage system as if a permit to do so had been granted.
   (F)   A significant change in the character or volume of an industrial waste, for purposes of division (D) above shall be deemed to be proposed if substances, compounds and elements not previously constituting a significant part of a person's industrial waste are to be introduced into the waste; or if the average concentration, expressed in milligrams per liter, of any substance, compound or element in the waste, or average volume proposed to be discharged will increase by 25% or more. In case of doubt as to whether an intended change constitutes a significant change, it shall be the responsibility of the person intending to make such a change to make the necessary application or obtain a written ruling from the Director that an application for a permit is not required.
   (G)   Any person who, on the effective date of these regulations, is operating within the town an industrial establishment within the meaning of industrial waste in § 53.03 from which industrial waste is discharged into the sanitary sewerage system (hereafter called "an existing industrial discharger") may continue the discharge until the six months after the effective date of this chapter. On or before this date a permit will be required and an application shall have been submitted to the Director in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   The Director shall issue written notices to each existing industrial discharger at least 120 days prior to the date a permit shall be required specifying in the notice the time within which an existing industrial discharger shall file application for a permit;
      (2)   Within the specified time limit, the existing industrial discharger shall file the required application together with any other reasonably necessary information as described in division (D) above;
      (3)   An existing industrial discharger may continue to discharge, after complying with the requirement to file an application for a permit, unless and until receipt by the applicant of a written notice specifying the reasons for denial of a permit and specifying what remedial action, if any, must be taken to qualify the applicant for a permit; and
      (4)   In the event that the applicant is denied a permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions specified in division (E) above.
   (H)   In any case where a final determination has been made denying a permit, either after an appeal or because a timely appeal has not been taken, it shall be unlawful for any person so denied a permit to discharge industrial waste into a sanitary sewerage system.
   (I)   The "permit to discharge industrial waste" will be issued by the town only when the Director has determined that satisfactory information has been submitted to indicate that:
      (1)   Sufficient capability is available at the proposed point of discharge for receiving the discharge of industrial waste and adequate treatment capacity is available for treating;
      (2)   The waste being discharged or proposed to be discharged is amenable to treatment by the processes employed in the wastewater treatment plants of the town and will not impair the ability of the town to comply with the current NPDES permit limits;
      (3)   The waste being discharged or proposed to be discharged will not cause damage to the sanitary sewerage system and/or wastewater treatment facilities and will not constitute a hazard to humans or animals; and
      (4)   The concentrations of substances, compounds, and elements in the waste being discharged or proposed to be discharged do not exceed the limits established in § 53.07 below.
   (J)   The "permit to discharge industrial wastes" as described herein shall be issued initially for a period of one year and may be renewed for periods of one to five years per the discretion of the Director or until the industrial discharge ceases, whichever comes first. Repeating the described application procedures may renew the permit.
   (K)   The discharger will submit to the Director a period compliance report, at the time intervals stated in the permit, which indicates the nature and concentration of pollutants in their discharge effluent. This compliance report may be incorporated with any such reports required under § 53.08 below.
(Ord. 97-11-07, passed 11-6-1997) Penalty, see § 53.99