The level of service standards applicable to public facilities are as follows.
   (A)   Law enforcement.
      (1)   For purposes of determining compliance with the level of service standard for law enforcement, an inventory of the number of law enforcement service units (LESU) shall be maintained by the Town Manager.
      (2)   The Town Manager shall forward the application to the Chief of Police of the town for his or her review and comments. The Town Manager shall consider the comments and recommendations of the Chief of Police, but shall remain the ultimate authority to determine whether LESLTs are adequate for the purposes of this chapter.
      (3)   One police officer shall be added when 250 new residential and/or commercial units are added.
   (B)   Fire protection. The Town Manager shall forward the application to the Fire Chief of the town for his or her review and comments. The Town Manager shall consider the comments and recommendations of the Fire Chief, but shall remain ultimate authority to determine whether the current fire protection is adequate for the purposes of this chapter.
   (C)   Community parks and greenways.
      (1)   This shall be according to Chapter 153 of this code of ordinances. For purposes of determining compliance with the level of service standard for parks, greenways and other recreational facilities, an inventory of the number of PTEs shall be maintained by the Town Manager.
      (2)   The Town Manager shall forward the application to the Public Works Director of the town for his or her review and comments. The Town Manager shall consider the comments and recommendations of the Public Works Director, but shall remain the ultimate authority to determine whether FTEs are adequate for the purposes of this chapter.
   (D)   Water services.
      (1)   For purposes of determining compliance with the level of service standard for water infrastructure maintenance, an inventory of the number of FTEs shall be maintained by the Town Manager.
      (2)   The Town Manager shall forward the application to the Public Works Director of the town for his or her review and comments. The Town Manager shall consider the comments and recommendations of the Public Works Director, but shall remain the ultimate authority to determine whether FTEs are adequate for the purposes of this chapter.
      (3)   Water requirements shall not apply to agricultural uses. The water standard applies to water supply and water treatment needed to accommodate the gallons per capita per day (gpcd) generated by residential and non-residential uses. Usage figures for residential and non-residential usage are taken from actual historical usage of water as pumped and the town water supply plan. Flow rates used to estimate the demand produced by proposed development shall comply with 15A NCAC § 18C.0409, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this chapter, unless a different standard is identified in any local water supply plan for the service area adopted pursuant to G.S. § 143- 55(1), in which case the flow rates identified for the particular use in the water supply plan may be used. If the category of development proposed in the application is not identified in the above-referenced regulations, the professional engineer shall use the applicable industry and manufacturer's standards to calculate average and peak daily flows and demands, in gallons per day. The capacity for elevated storage and distribution systems shall comply with 15A NCAC §§ 18C.0805 to 18C.0901, which regulations are hereby incorporated by reference. Approval through the adequate facilities process outlined in this section shall in no manner imply approval of required distribution systems.
   (E)   Wastewater.
      (1)   For purposes of determining compliance with the level of service standard for water infrastructure maintenance, an inventory of the number of FTEs shall be maintained by the Town Manager.
      (2)   The Town Manager shall forward the application to the waste water treatment plant operator the town for his or her review and comments. The Town Manager shall consider the comments and recommendations of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, but shall remain the ultimate authority to determine whether FTEs are adequate for the purposes of this chapter.
      (3)   The wastewater standard applies to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), interceptor sewers and pumping stations. The standard for source facilities applies only to treatment capacity legally reserved for usage by the town wastewater plan. Flow rates used to estimate the demand produced by the proposed development shall be consistent with the assumptions set forth in 15A NCAC 18A.1949 (Sewage Flow Rates for Design Units), as the section may be revised from time to time. If the category of development proposed in the application is not identified in 15A NCAC 18A.1949, the professional engineer shall use the applicable industry and manufacturer's standards to calculate average and peak daily flows and demands, in gallons per day. Approval through the adequate facilities process outlined in this section shall in no manner imply approval of required interceptor and collection systems.
(Ord. passed - -2008)