12.04.040 Numbering of squares.
   The numbering of squares which will be bounded by grid lines, assigned one hundred numbers, and coincide with streets insofar as practical, shall be as follows: numbers  from one to one hundred inclusive are assigned to the square between Water Street and First Street, and the square between such meridian line and Lindsay Street. In the same manner one hundred numbers in consecutive hundreds are assigned to each successive square according to the grid system. East and West grid lines are numbered 0, 100, 200, etc., from such meridian line east, and 0, 100, 200, etc., from such meridian line west. North and south grid lines are numbered in the same manner from the north line of Water Street. Streets not beginning at the base line, further out in the community, will be numbered according to such hundred block square designated by the grid line number. (Prior code § 27-6)