   Any person who fails to make application for any necessary permit before starting work for which a permit is required shall, upon being granted a permit for the work, be required to pay double the amount of the regular charges herein provided for.
(Prior Code, § 94.048) (Ord. 854, passed 11-20-1957)
   All such cuts and excavations in paved streets, avenues or alleys shall be made under the supervision of the Public Works Director or City Engineer or other qualified person.
(Prior Code, § 94.049)
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to make or maintain any hole, depression or excavation on private property which is a hazard to life and limb, endangers property or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel.
   (B)   The Chief Building and Code Inspector, or designee, upon making a determination that such a hole, depression or excavation exists, shall give notice in writing, either by mail or personal service, to the owner of the property upon which the hole, depression or excavation is located, or other person or agent in control of the property, requesting the person to repair or eliminate the hole, depression or excavation so as to eliminate the hazard within seven days after receipt of the notice.
   (C)   If the owner or other person in control of the property fails to repair or eliminate the hole, depression or excavation so as to eliminate the hazard within 24 hours, the city shall cause the repair or elimination, and the costs thereof, paid by the city, shall be recovered from the owner of the property or the person in control of the property.
(Prior Code, § 94.050) (Ord. 2708, passed 5-19-1980) Penalty, see § 94.999
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUILDING. Any building used or designated as a place for the conduct of any business.
   HOUSE. Residence.
(Prior Code, § 94.065)
§ 94.066 DIRECTIONS.
   All houses and buildings fronting on the public streets shall be numbered as herein provided and as designated by the City Engineer. Every 22 feet front of all lots shall constitute a numbering space, and the numbers shall be placed on the houses or buildings in accordance therewith and this shall also apply to residence as well as business property. The numbers of houses or buildings between avenues and fronting on streets shall be from 1 to 50, with the avenue to the east of the house or building prefixed, as 2401, 2402 and so forth, for those between 24th and 25th Avenues, and so forth, odd numbers on the south side and even numbers on the north side of the streets. The numbers for houses or buildings between streets and fronting on avenues shall be from 51 to 99 with the street to the south prefixed, as 1351, 1352 and so forth, for the houses and buildings between 13th and 14th Streets, and so forth, odd numbers on the east side and even numbers on the west side of the avenues. In the event that curvilinear or other special street design required special consideration for logical and convenient numbering, variances in the above schedule will be made. This special numbering shall, however, have as much relation to the above numbering as possible. All numbering of new additions shall be on file in the office of the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 94.066)
§ 94.067 DUTY OF OWNERS.
   It shall be the duty of the owner of every house or building fronting on any street, avenue or way regularly used for vehicular traffic within the corporate limits of the city to number the house or building as provided in § 94.066 of this code, the figure to be displayed in figures not less than three inches in height and fashioned from a substantial material and placed in a conspicuous location, the numbers being visible throughout the entire year from the street, avenue or way used by the public for vehicular traffic, the numbers being placed in front of, or attached to the house or building.
(Prior Code, § 94.067) (Ord. 2930, passed 9-19-1983)