The animal control officer shall not receive an animal into the shelter from any person or release any animal to any person unless the person shall give the person’s full name and place of residence which shall be registered in a proper book kept by the officer. It shall be unlawful for any person delivering to or receiving any animal from the shelter to give false information concerning the same. The disposition of animals received in this manner shall be at the discretion of the animal control officer.
(Prior Code, § 90.132) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997) Penalty, see § 90.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder, delay, interfere with or obstruct the animal control officer, or any of the officer’s assistants, while engaged in capturing, securing or taking to the animal shelter any animal to be impounded. It shall also be unlawful for any person to illegally enter in any manner or to directly or indirectly aid, counsel or advise the illegal entry into any animal shelter or any vehicle used for the collecting or conveying of animals to the shelter.
(Prior Code, § 90.133) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997) Penalty, see § 90.999
Statutory reference:
Obstructing a police officer, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-906
The enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be under the direction of the animal control officer, the officer’s assistants and the city’s animal control. For the purpose of enforcing this chapter or abating any nuisance existing hereunder, the animal control officer or any of the officer’s assistants may enter and go upon premises, public or private.
(Prior Code, § 90.134) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997)
When an animal which is considered “livestock,” as set forth in § 90.001 of this code, or designated as such by the city’s animal control, is impounded as herein provided, the officer in charge of the animal shall, within 24 hours, notify the owner thereof, if the owner is known and resides within the city. If the owner is unknown or resides out of the city, the officer shall cause to be printed in the official newspaper of the city once within 48 hours after the impounding of the animal, a notice describing the animal impounded, stating the time and place at which the animal was taken up and giving warning that unless the animal is claimed and the expenses of taking up, keeping and advertising the same is paid within five days from date of publication of the notice, the animal will be sold at a designated time and place for the payment of the expenses. The notice shall bear the signature of the officer.
(Prior Code, § 90.135) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997)
If the owner of any impounded animal which is considered livestock, after being notified as provided in § 90.155 of this code, shall fail to claim the animal and pay all expenses of impounding and advertising the same, together with any fine and costs that may have been levied against the owner for suffering the animal to run at large, the officer taking up the animal shall, at the time and place designated in the notice, offer for sale and sell the animal at public auction to the highest bidder. The time of holding the sale shall be at least five days subsequent to the date of publication of the notice and between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., and the place of the sale shall be some public place in the city. The proceeds of the sale, after paying all expenses as aforesaid, may be claimed by the owner within 90 days and thereafter credited to the General Fund.
(Prior Code, § 90.136) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997)

(A) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is provided shall be punished as set forth in § 10.99.
(B) Violence on a service dog and interference with a service dog are crimes punishable by a fine of up to $500.
(Prior Code, § 90.045)
(C) Any owner of any animal regulated by this chapter who fails repeatedly to care for or control the animal and has been issued warnings or citations for violating one or more provisions of this chapter on four or more occasions within any 12-month period, shall be deemed to be maintaining a nuisance, the abatement of which shall be the forfeiture of the animal or animals in violation.
(Prior Code, § 90.137)
(1) First violation: $25 fine;
(2) Second violation: $50 fine;
(3) Third violation: $75 fine; and
(4) Fourth violation: Forfeiture of animal, as per division (B) above.
(Prior Code, § 90.999)
(Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997; Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998; Ord. 00-36, passed 11-6-2000; Ord. 06-36, passed 12-18-2006)