Bees shall be kept in such manner so as not to create a nuisance or threat to health or otherwise interfere with the enjoyment of the property of adjacent owners or residents. The following conditions shall exist as a precondition to issuance of a permit for beekeeping.
(A) No person shall establish or maintain any apiary or hive or box where bees are kept on any parcel where any public outdoor recreational area, school or daycare or public park lies within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the parcel. No person shall establish or maintain any hive of box where bees are kept on any parcel or lot in excess of one hive or box per 1,500 square feet.
(B) No hive or box where bees are kept shall be maintained within 50 feet of any dwelling or building, except that of the applicant. No hive or box where bees are kept shall be maintained within 25 feet of the lot line, sidewalk, alley or other public right-of-way unless there is present a barrier of sufficient height to deflect the flight of bees to a height not less than six feet at all exterior boundaries of the parcel on which bees are being maintained. No hive or box shall be maintained less than ten feet from the barrier.
(C) Including the permit holder’s own hives or boxes in which bees are kept, no more than four hives or boxes shall be within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the apiary within the parcel on which bees are kept; provided, however, that in the event the permit holder of any permit keeps bees on any parcel in excess of one acre in area, no more than four hives or boxes shall be maintained per one quarter acre, and in such cases all hives or boxes shall be situated at least 100 feet from the exterior boundaries of the parcel. A source of fresh water shall be maintained for bees at all times near the hives or boxes in which the bees are kept.
(D) Prior to the issuance of a hobby beekeeper permit, the applicant shall notify all residents and businesses within a 300 foot radius around the proposed apiary on which the bees are to be kept, that the applicant is applying for a hobby beekeeper permit and will provide contact information for themselves as the hobby beekeeper so questions and concerns can be addressed between the neighboring property owners and the beekeeper. There will be no hearing prior to issuance of the permit provided notification has been made either in person or by mail delivery to the residents or businesses within 300 feet.
(E) The forgoing conditions shall be continuously maintained by the holder of any permit issued pursuant to this section.
(Prior Code, § 90.072) (Ord. 14-07, passed 8-4-2014)
All pet shops shall maintain at least minimum standards of sanitation and care and shall provide adequate housing for all animals. The standards provided in this subchapter shall be complied with under the pet shop permit.
(Prior Code, § 90.080) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998) Penalty, see § 90.999
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
NONCONDITIONED ANIMALS. Those animals which have just been obtained or brought into the facility and may or may not have been given a health check or examination by a veterinarian.
PRIMARY ENCLOSURES. Those animal enclosures in which the animal normally rests or sleeps.
(Prior Code, § 90.081) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998)
(A) Cleaning of primary enclosures. Excreta shall be removed from primary enclosures as often as necessary to prevent contamination of the animals contained therein and to reduce disease hazards and odors. When hosing or flushing method is used for cleaning a primary enclosure, commonly known as a cage, kennel, room, pen, compartment, hutch, aquarium or run, any animals contained therein shall be removed from the enclosure during the cleaning process and adequate measures shall be taken to protect the animals in other such enclosures from being contaminated with water and other wastes.
(B) Sanitizing of primary enclosures.
(1) Prior to the introduction of nonconditioned animals into empty primary enclosures previously occupied, the enclosures shall be sanitized in a manner provided in division (B)(3) below.
(2) Primary enclosures for animals shall be sanitized often enough to prevent an accumulation of debris, excreta or disease hazard. However, the enclosures shall be sanitized at least once every week in the manner provided in division (B)(3) below.
(3) Cages, rooms and hard-surfaced pens or runs shall be sanitized by washing them with hot water or with soap or detergent, followed by a safe and effective disinfectant or by cleaning all soiled surfaces with live steam. Pens or runs using gravel, sand or dirt shall be sanitized by removing the soiled gravel, sand or dirt and replacing it as necessary.
(C) Premises. Premises, buildings and grounds shall be kept clean and in good repair, and premises shall remain free of any accumulation of trash.
(D) Pest control. An effective program for the control of insects, ectoparasite and avian and mammalian pests shall be established and maintained.
(E) Animal attendant. At all times during the hours the business is open, there shall be an employee on duty whose responsibility shall be the care and welfare of the animals which are held for sale or display or boarded.
(F) Non-business hours. An employee or owner shall come in to feed, water and do the necessary cleaning of animals on days the business is closed.
(G) Sick or injured animals. No person shall knowingly sell a sick or injured animal or bird and shall take reasonable care to release for sale, trade or adoption only those animals which are free of disease or injuries. Nor shall any person sell or offer for sale any animal that exhibits the following:
(1) Obvious signs of infectious disease;
(2) Obvious signs of nutritional deficiencies;
(3) Obvious signs of severe parasitism sufficient to influence the general health of the animal; or
(4) Obvious fractures or congenital deformities affecting the general health of the animal.
(H) Misrepresentation. No person shall knowingly misrepresent an animal or bird to a consumer in any way.
(I) Care instructions. Care and feeding instructions and appropriate medical history must be made available, in writing, to each purchaser of an animal.
(Prior Code, § 90.082) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998) Penalty, see § 90.999
(A) Potable water should be accessible to the animal at all times. Potable liquids shall be offered to the animals at least twice daily for periods long enough to provide adequate time for drinking.
(B) Watering receptacles shall be kept clean and shall be sanitized as needed.
(Prior Code, § 90.083) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998) Penalty, see § 90.999
(A) Animals shall be fed at least once each day, less or more often if required to provide adequate veterinary care. The food shall be free from contamination, wholesome, palatable and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to meet the normal daily requirements for the condition, size and species of animal.
(B) Food receptacles shall be accessible to all animals and shall be located so as to minimize contamination by excreta. Feeding pans shall be durable and kept clean. The food receptacles shall be sanitized daily. Disposable food receptacles may be used but must be discarded after each feeding. Self-feeders may be used for the feeding of dry food, and they shall be sanitized regularly to prevent molding, deterioration or caking of feed.
(Prior Code, § 90.084) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998) Penalty, see § 90.999