   The city does hereby establish a stormwater utility, the purpose of which is to assist the city in its responsibility for the operation, construction, maintenance and repair of stormwater drainage system facilities to provide adequate systems of collection, conveyance, detention, treatment and release of stormwater and the reduction of potential hazards to property and life resulting from stormwater runoff, improvement in general health and welfare through reduction of undesirable stormwater conditions and improvements to the water quality in the storm and surface water system and its receiving waters.
(Prior Code, § 51.185) (Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-2018)
   The city shall be empowered to administer the stormwater utility and may delegate such duty and responsibility as is necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter within the limits of the budget, directives and storm drainage regulations adopted by the governing body of the city for this utility.
(Prior Code, § 51.186) (Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-2018)
   The city shall adopt an operating budget for each fiscal year. The operating budget shall set forth, for each fiscal year, the estimated revenues and the estimated costs for the stormwater utility. The initial operating budget shall be for the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 2018.
(Prior Code, § 51.187) (Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-2018)
   (A)   A monthly stormwater utility surcharge is hereby assessed against all property within the city and extra-territorial jurisdiction, upon which stormwater runoff enters of travels through a city system. Such surcharge fee is based upon a determination of the size, zoning and use type for each property. The owner, occupant and any person who is responsible for the payment of water and/or sewer service to the property shall all be jointly and severally responsible for the payment of said surcharge fee. Persons responsible for the payment of water and/or sewer service to the property shall include the person responsible for payment for water provided to a master meter that is then distributed to multiple users, whether or not said users are located on the same property as the master meter.
   (B)   The surcharge fee shall be as follows.
      (1)   All property devoted to a residential use shall be assessed a monthly surcharge fee as set by resolution. The term RESIDENTIAL shall include single-family homes, mobile homes and mobile home parks, duplexes and apartment units. The term RESIDENTIAL shall not include rooming or boarding houses, dormitories and similar facilities. The term LIVING UNIT shall mean one or more rooms in a residential building which are arranged, designed, used or intended for use by one family, and which includes cooking space and lawful sanitary facilities reserved for the occupants thereof.
      (2)   Property devoted to any use other than residential, as set forth above shall be assessed a monthly surcharge fee as set by resolution.
(Prior Code, § 51.188) (Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-2018)
§ 51.199 BILLS.
   Bills shall be rendered monthly as provided in §§ 51.179 and 52.131 of this code and shall be collected as a combined utility bill.
(Prior Code, § 51.189) (Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-2018)
   In the event any person, except the United States and the state or any political subdivision thereof, shall fail to pay the surcharge fee when due, water service shall be terminated as provided in §§ 51.179 and 52.132 of this code. All charges prescribed by this subchapter shall be a lien upon the premises and real estate for which the sewer service is supplied and used and if not paid when due such charge shall be certified to the Finance Director and may be recovered by the city in an action at law and such delinquent charges may be certified to the County Clerk and assessed against the real estate and premises served and be collected and returned in the same manner as other city taxes are certified, collected and returned.
(Prior Code, § 51.190) (Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-2018)