No person shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the wastewater treatment works.
(Prior Code, § 51.008) (Ord. 03-39, passed 11-17-2003) Penalty, see § 51.999
Any person found to be violating any provision of this chapter, except § 51.001 of this code, shall be served by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in the notice, permanently cease all violations.
(Prior Code, § 51.998) (Ord. 03-39, passed 11-17-2003) Penalty, see § 51.999
The design and construction of all sanitary or storm sewers connected, either directly or indirectly, to the existing sanitary or storm sewer system shall meet all standards and specifications established by the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 51.020) Penalty, see § 51.999