(a)   Council hereby designates the Morning Journal as the newspaper to be of general circulation in the municipality.
   (b)   The publication of ordinances and resolutions shall be by title and a brief description of the context of the ordinance or resolution, along with a statement to be included in such publication that a copy of the full text is posted for inspection by the general public at the Municipal Building. The Clerk of Council shall cause such ordinance or resolution to be so published immediately following introduction, and the same shall also be posted for seven consecutive days.
   (c)   The following certification of publication shall be used:
I, the undersigned Clerk of Council of the Municipality of Columbiana, Ohio, hereby certify that the title to the foregoing (ordinance or resolution) was published in the ___________________ on the _______ day of ________________, 20____, and that at such date said newspaper was determined by Council to be of general circulation within the Municipality of Columbiana, Ohio, and that said publication contained, in addition to the title of the foregoing (ordinance or resolution), a statement that a copy of the full text of such (ordinance or resolution) was posted for inspection for seven (7) consecutive days at the Municipal Building, 28 West Friend Street, Columbiana, Ohio.
   Dated __________________, 20____.
   Clerk of Council
   Municipality of Columbiana, Ohio
(Ord. 84-O-718, passed 3-20-1984)