The Village of Columbiana, under this Charter, is hereby declared to be the legal successor of the Village of Columbiana, under the laws of the State of Ohio, and as such it has title to all property, real and personal, owned by its predecessor, including all monies on deposit and all taxes in process of collection, together with all accounts receivable and rights of action. The Municipality is liable for all outstanding orders, contracts, and debts of its predecessor, and for any other obligations for which it may be held liable, as such successor, by any court of competent jurisdiction. All contracts entered into by the Municipality or for its benefit prior to January 1, 1973, shall continue in full force and effect.
The adoption of this Charter shall not affect any pre-existing rights of the Municipality, nor any right or liability or pending suit or prosecution, either on behalf of or against the Municipality or any officer thereof, nor any franchise granted by the Municipality, or pending proceedings for the authorization of public improvements or the levy of assessments therefor. Except as a contrary intent appears herein, all acts of the Council of the Municipality, including ordinances and resolutions in effect at the date this Charter becomes effective, shall continue in effect until lawfully amended or repealed.
No action or proceeding pending against the Municipality or an officer thereof shall be abated or affected by the adoption of this Charter, but all such actions or proceedings shall be prosecuted or defended under the laws in effect at the time of the filing thereof.
No officer or employee of the Municipality shall have any substantial financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with or sale to the Municipality of any material, supplies, or services, or any lands, or interest in lands. Any such person violating the provisions hereof shall forfeit his position and any such sale or contract shall be voidable at the option of the Council.
This provision shall not apply where a Court shall order the purchase or sale of property, whether real or personal, owned by or in which such an officer or employee has an interest therein, to the Municipality. No ordinance, resolution or other action taken by Council, nor any action taken by any other officer or employee of the Municipality, shall be invalidated or made ineffective because any officer or employee has such a financial interest in any such contract or sale, except that such sale or contract may be voided at the option of Council as hereinabove provided.
A determination that any article, section, or part of any article or section, of this Charter is invalid shall not invalidate or impair the force or effect of any other part thereof, except to the extent that such other part is wholly dependent for its operation upon the part declared invalid.
The article and section headings herein have been inserted for convenience for purposes of reference and are not intended to define or limit the scope of, or otherwise affect, any provision of this Charter.
In order that a ready means may be at hand for reconciling any conflicts, resolving any inconsistencies, and clarifying any obscurities which may be discovered in the language of this Charter, the power is hereby vested in the Council to interpret the various sections and parts of this Charter, in harmony with the spirit thereof, by ordinance, resolution, or other measures of said Council, adopted by the affirmative vote of four (4) or more of its members.
Masculine pronouns used in this Charter shall be construed to include the feminine pronoun, and the singular number shall be construed to include the plural number whenever the context shall require.
The fiscal year of the Municipality shall be that as fixed by the general law for municipalities within the State of Ohio. If such general law shall fail to provide for such a fiscal year, then it shall begin with the first day of January and shall end with the next succeeding thirty-first day of December.