Candidates for Mayor shall be nominated at a partisan primary election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June in the odd numbered years in which the Mayor is to be elected, or at such other time as may hereinafter be provided by the Ohio election laws pertaining to the conduct of municipal primaries, commencing in the year 1973 and each four (4) years thereafter. Candidates for Member of Council shall be nominated at a partisan primary election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June, or at such other time as may hereinafter be provided by the Ohio election laws pertaining to the conduct of municipal primaries, as follows: In the year 1972, each political party may nominate not more than six (6) candidates for Member of Council. The three (3) candidates of each party receiving the largest number of votes shall be deemed nominated for three (3)-year terms of office, and the three (3) candidates of each party receiving the next largest number of votes shall be deemed nominated for one (1)-year terms of office. Commencing in the year 1973, and each two (2) years thereafter, each political party may nominate not more than three (3) candidates for Member of Council. Each person desiring to become a candidate for a party nomination to such offices to be voted for at a primary election, shall, not later than 4:00 p. m. of the ninetieth (90th) day before the day of such primary election, or at such other time as may hereinafter be provided by the Ohio election laws pertaining to the conduct of municipal primaries, file with the appropriate Board of Elections a declaration of candidacy and nominating petitions, which shall contain signatures of electors of the same political party as the candidate as required by the election laws of the State of Ohio. Each person desiring to become a candidate for Mayor or Member of Council as an independent shall file a statement of candidacy and nominating petitions with the appropriate Board of Elections containing signatures of electors as required by the election laws of the State of Ohio, not later than 4:00 p.m. of the ninetieth (90th) day before the day of such primary election, or at such other time as may hereinafter be provided by the Ohio election laws pertaining to the conduct of municipal primaries. The procedure established by the Ohio election laws for filing and voting shall be followed, except as modified by this Charter.
(Amended Nov. 2, 1976)
The Municipal election for Mayor shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in the odd numbered years in which the Mayor is to be elected, or at such other time as may hereafter be provided by the Ohio election laws pertaining to the conduct of municipal elections, commencing in the year 1973 and each four (4) years thereafter.
The Municipal election for Members of Council shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, or at such other time as may hereafter be provided by the Ohio election laws pertaining to the conduct of municipal elections, as follows: At the general election to be held in November, 1972, three (3) Members of Council shall be elected to one (1)-year terms of office, and three (3) Members of Council shall be elected to three (3)-year terms of office. At the Municipal election to be held in November, 1973, and each two (2) years thereafter, three (3) Members of Council shall be elected to four (4)-year terms of office.
The procedure established by the Ohio election laws for the conduct of municipal elections shall be followed, except as modified by this Charter.
(Amended Nov. 2, 1976)
All regular, primary and special Municipal elections shall be conducted by the Board of Elections of the county in which the Municipality is located under the provisions of this Charter, so far as they are applicable. Where the Charter is silent, the provisions of the Ohio election laws shall be followed.
The electors shall have the power to remove from office by a recall election any elected officer of the Municipality who has served at least six (6) months of the term to which he was elected or appointed, by filing a petition demanding his removal with the Clerk of Council, who shall note thereon the name and address of the person filing the petition and the date the petition is filed. The Clerk of Council shall issue a receipt to the person filing the petition and shall attach a copy of such receipt to the petition. The petition may be circulated in separate parts, but such separate parts shall be bound together and filed as one (1) instrument. Each part shall contain the name of and office held by the person whose removal is sought and a statement, in not more than two hundred (200) words, of the alleged grounds or reasons for the removal. Such petition shall be signed by at least that number of electors which equals twenty-five (25) percent of the total votes cast for the office of Mayor at the last preceding Municipal election at which a Mayor was elected.
Within ten (10) days after the day such petition is filed, the Clerk of Council shall determine whether or not the petition meets the requirements hereof. If the Clerk of Council shall find the petition insufficient, he shall promptly certify the particulars in which the petition is defective, and deliver a copy of such certificate to the person who filed the petition and make a record of such delivery. Such person shall be allowed a period of twenty (20) days after the day of such delivery in which to make the petition sufficient by amendment. If the Clerk of Council shall find the petition or the amended petition sufficient, he shall promptly certify such finding to the Council, shall deliver a copy of such certificate to the person whose removal is sought, and shall make a record of such delivery.
If such person sought to be removed shall not resign within five (5) days after such delivery to him, the Council shall thereafter fix a day for holding a recall election, not less than sixty (60) days or more than seventy-five (75) days after the date of such delivery.
Such recall election may be at a regular Municipal election, a Municipal primary election, or a special election and such special election may be on the same day fixed by law for a general election or primary election, or on any other day as established by the Council. The Clerk of Council shall certify to the appropriate Board of Elections that an election is to be held on the question of the removal of the accused official on the date fixed by Council as hereinbefore provided, and the Clerk of Council shall cause notice of such election to be published on the same day of each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper determined by said Clerk to be of circulation in the Municipality if such election is to be held on a day which is not the day of a regular Municipal or primary election or of a general or primary election.
At such election this question shall be placed on the ballot: “Shall (naming the person whose removal is sought) be allowed to continue as (name the office held by such person)?”, with provision being made on the ballot for voting “yes” or “no” on such question. If a majority of the votes cast shall be voted negatively, such officer shall be considered as removed, his office shall be vacant, and such vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided in this Charter. The person removed by such recall election shall not be eligible for appointment to fill the vacancy created thereby; however, said removal shall not bar such person from becoming a candidate for office of the Municipality at any subsequent election. If the person named in such petition is not removed at such recall election, then additional recall petitions shall not be filed seeking his removal for a period of one (1) year following such election. The removal of any officer under the provisions of this section shall not affect the validity of any ordinance, resolution or any other action in which such officer shall have participated.