   The Park, Recreation and Cemetery Board shall make such recommendations and reports to the Manager, Council, Planning Commission and other officers, departments, divisions and boards, and commissions as it deems advisable regarding the acquisition, development, maintenance, repair, and operation of parks, playgrounds, recreational and cemetery facilities and programs of the Municipality. The Board may cooperate with organized groups concerned with recreation programs and may stimulate citizen interest in the care and preservation of parks and historical and scenic sites. The Board may act as trustee for any property, asset, or funds donated to the Municipality for park, recreational or cemetery purposes, provided the donor designates or provides for the designation of the Board as such trustee. In such an event the Board shall have all those powers and duties necessary to carry out the purposes of the trust. The Board may recommend the amount of any fees or charges for the use of park, recreational and cemetery facilities; however, the Council shall fix all such fees or charges. Subject to the provisions of ordinances passed by the Council, the Board shall exercise supervision and control over the planting and care of trees, plants, and shrubs in the parks, parkways, recreation grounds, streets, boulevards, sidewalks and cemeteries of the Municipality. The Board shall exercise such additional powers and duties as provided by Council by ordinance. In the exercise of its powers and duties, the Board shall request of the Manager such manpower, work, supplies and equipment as it deems necessary, and the Manager, subject to the provisions of this Charter concerning purchasing and personnel, shall provide such manpower, work, supplies and equipment as has been authorized by the Council through appropriation to such Board, and to the extent that such manpower, supplies and equipment shall be available for such purposes, considering the overall needs of the Municipality.
   During the month of January, 1976, or as soon thereafter as possible, and each five (5) years thereafter, the Mayor shall appoint five (5) electors of the Municipality as members of a Charter Review Commission. Such appointments shall be subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Council. If the Council fails to vote upon the confirmation of any person appointed to such commission within thirty (30) days after the name of any such person is filed with the Clerk of Council by the Mayor, such person shall be deemed confirmed by operation of law. No member of the Charter Review Commission may hold office or employment with the Municipality, and all members of such Commission shall serve without compensation; however, such Commission may hire such temporary employees and retain special counsel and other consultants as it may deem necessary. The Council shall appropriate all money necessary to pay the expenses of the Commission, including the compensation of such employees, counsel, and consultants. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. The Commission shall review the Charter of the Municipality and shall recommend, within six (6) months after the confirmation of the last of the members thereof to be confirmed, such alterations, revisions and amendments, if any, to the Charter, as in its judgment are desirable. Such recommendations shall be directed to the Council. After consideration of the recommendations of the Charter Review Commission, the Council may submit all, any, or none of such proposed alterations, revisions or amendments to the electors of the Municipality in the manner provided by Article XVIII, Section 9, of the Constitution of Ohio. The terms of the members of the Commission shall terminate at the end of such six (6)-month period in which the Commission is required to report its recommendations to the Council.
   At the first meeting in each year of the Planning Commission, Civil Service Commission, Park, Recreation and Cemetery Board, Charter Review Commission, and any other board or commission created by ordinances, the members of such boards and commissions shall each elect a chairman and a secretary by a majority vote of the members appointed to such board or commission. The chairman and secretary of each board or commission hereinabove referred to shall serve in such capacity at the pleasure of such board or commission. The chairman of each such board or commission shall be a member of such board or commission, but in no event shall the chairman of any such board or commission, in his dual capacity as a member and presiding officer, cast more than one (1) vote on any action. The secretary of each such board or commission may be elected from within or without the membership of such board or commission, and may hold other office or employment with the Municipality. The secretary of each such board or commission shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of such board or commission. Members of the boards and commissions hereinabove referred to, except those members appointed by the Board of Education, shall be electors of the Municipality at the time of their appointment and during their respective terms of office and shall not hold other office or employment with the Municipality except as authorized by this Charter.
   A majority of the members of each of the boards and commissions hereinabove referred to shall constitute a quorum for meetings of such board or commission; and a majority vote of the members appointed to each such board or commission shall be necessary to take any action and for the passage of motions by such board or commission. Rules providing for the number and manner of calling regular and special meetings, and providing for the conduct and government of meetings of each such board or commission, shall be adopted by a majority vote of the members of each such board or commission, and such rules shall comply with the applicable statutes of the Revised Code of Ohio concerned with open public meetings and the ordinances and resolutions of the Council which are not in conflict therewith.
(Amended Nov. 2, 1976)
   Unless otherwise provided by this Charter, a vacancy during the term of any member of a board or commission created by this Charter or by ordinance of the Council shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner authorized for an original appointment.
   The Council may remove members of any board or commission established by this Charter or by ordinance, for gross misconduct, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, final conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude, judicial declaration of incompetency, persistent and willful failure to abide by the rules adopted by the board or commission of which he is a member, or willful violation of this Charter, provided that such removal shall not take place without the affirmative vote of four (4) members of Council, nor until the accused official shall have been notified in writing of the charge against him and given an opportunity to be heard in person or by legal counsel. The Council and the accused official shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and the production of evidence. The President of Council and the Mayor shall have the power to issue subpoenas for witnesses and the production of evidence on behalf of the Council or the accused official, and each shall have the power to administer oaths.
   Upon the required vote to remove a member of a board or commission as provided by this section of this Charter, such member shall forfeit his office and such office shall become vacant and shall be filled in the manner provided by this Charter. Any person removed from office under this section of this Charter shall not be eligible to become a candidate for, or hold, any elective office, or to serve as a member of a board or commission of the Municipality for a period of five (5) years after his removal.