Action of Council shall be by ordinance, resolution, or motion. Every action of a general and permanent nature, or granting a franchise; or levying a tax; or appropriating money; or contracting an indebtedness, to be evidenced by the issuance of bonds or notes; or for the purchase, lease or transfer of public property; or establishing an offense and fixing the penalty therefor, shall be taken by ordinance, in the manner hereinafter provided. All other action may be by resolution or motion.
Any member of Council may, at a regular meeting or a special meeting, introduce any ordinance or resolution. Such ordinance or resolution shall be in written or printed form and shall contain a concise title, and specify the form of publication.
Each ordinance shall contain an enacting clause as follows: “Be it Ordained by the Council of The Village (City) of Columbiana, State of Ohio”, and each resolution shall contain an enacting clause as follows: “Be It Resolved by the Council of the Village (City) of Columbiana, State of Ohio.”
Each ordinance or resolution shall contain only one (1) subject which shall be expressed in its title, provided, however, that appropriation ordinances may contain the various subjects, accounts and amounts for which monies are appropriated, and that ordinances and resolutions which are codified or recodified are not subject to the limitation of containing one (1) subject.
Each ordinance or resolution shall be read fully and distinctly at two (2) meetings of Council separated by at least ten (10) days. Council may, upon affirmative vote by four (4) Councilmen, dispense with the requirement that an ordinance or resolution be read on two (2) separate days and authorize the adoption of an ordinance or resolution as emergency legislation upon its first reading; and Council may, upon affirmative vote by four (4) Councilmen, dispense with the requirement that an ordinance or resolution be read fully and distinctly for its first or second reading, or for both its first and second readings, and authorize such reading or readings to be by title only. Motions to dispense with the requirement that an ordinance or resolution be read on two (2) separate days and motions to dispense with the requirement that an ordinance or resolution be read fully and distinctly shall be separately stated, and a separate vote shall be taken on each such motion.
The vote by Council upon the passage of each motion, ordinance and resolution shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the Journal. The passage of motions shall require a majority vote by Council. A vote on the question of passage of each ordinance or resolution shall be taken following each reading; and no ordinance or resolution shall be passed without a majority vote of all members of Council, except that each emergency ordinance or resolution shall require the affirmative vote by at least five (5) members of Council for its enactment, provided, however, that if such emergency ordinance or resolution shall fail to receive the required affirmative vote by five (5) members of Council, but receives the necessary majority vote for passage as a non-emergency ordinance or resolution, it shall be considered passed as a non-emergency ordinance or resolution and shall become effective as provided by this Charter. A majority of the members present at any regular or special meeting of Council may compel the attendance of absent members as provided in Section 4.10 of this Charter.