(a)   An abandoned service station is hereby declared to be a nuisance affecting or endangering surrounding property values and detrimental to public health, safety, convenience, and the like, and shall be abated. An “abandoned station” is defined as one which is not in operation for at least 90 consecutive days during every 150-day period. When the Building Officer finds a station to be abandoned, he or she shall give notice to the owner to abate the abandoned condition within 60 days by:
      (1)   Placing the station in operation;
      (2)   Adapting and using the building for another permitted use; or
      (3)   Razing the service station structure, removing pumps, signs, underground tanks and restoring the land to conform to adjoining grades.
   (b)   This requirement does not apply if there is a national emergency which would curtail the operation of motor vehicles, or if the Congress of the United States declares a state of economic depression.
   (c)   If an owner fails to comply with the notice to abate the nuisance, Council may take action to abate it.
(1974 Code, § 1331.01)