§ 298.01 COURT COSTS.
   (a)   The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to assess, in addition to any and all court costs mandated by the State of Ohio, a charge of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) in addition to the fine and/or other penalty imposed against persons convicted in the Mayor's Court of misdemeanor offenses in violation of any of the provisions of these Codified Ordinances.
   (b)   The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to assess against person convicted in the Mayor's Court as aforesaid, in addition to any and all court costs and/or fees referenced in paragraph (a) above, the actual costs incurred as a consequence of lawfully appropriate efforts to collect such costs, including, but not limited to, the costs incurred by the Mayor’s Court by reason of compliance with the provisions of Ohio R.C. 1905.202 and 4510.22.
   (c)   The Clerk of the Mayor’s Court is hereby authorized and directed to take any and all appropriate steps in order to ensure total compliance with the accounting procedures applicable to the aforesaid court costs, fines and/or penalties and shall deposit such monies, monthly, to the credit of the General Fund of the municipality. The Clerk shall further account to the State of Ohio for all court costs mandated by the State of Ohio for the collection by the Mayor's Court.
(Ord. 09-O-2547, passed 10-6-2009; Ord. 14-O-2758, passed 3-18-2014)