§ 1244.06 APPROVAL.
   (a)   The Engineer or the authorized representative of the Planning Commission shall review minor subdivisions and determine whether the subdivision shall be approved, approved with modifications or disapproved. If the proposed subdivision is disapproved, the reasons for such disapproval shall be stated in writing. The Engineer or the authorized representative of the Commission shall take action within seven working days after the receipt of an application, or within a mutually agreed upon extension, and he or she shall report his or her action thereon at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission.
   (b)   If approval is given, the Engineer or the authorized representative of the Commission, upon presentation of a deed for the parcel in question, shall stamp “Approved by the Municipality of Columbiana Planning Commission; no plat required” and the Engineer or the authorized representative of the Commission shall sign the deed.
   (c)   If the sketch plan is not approved, the Commission shall state the condition that shall be complied with before approval may be given or it may prepare an approved sketch.
(Ord. 74-O-129, passed 10-17-1974)