§ 1046.01 OVERVIEW.
   (a)   At the May 6, 2003 general election, local residents authorized the City of Columbiana (the city) to create a municipal opt-out natural gas aggregation program (the aggregation program) in compliance with Ohio R.C. 4929.26. Under the opt-out natural gas aggregation program, all eligible natural gas consumers within the city’s corporation limits will be automatically included in the aggregation program initially. However, all consumers will also be given the opportunity to opt-out or decline participation in the aggregation program as detailed herein.
   (b)   The city’s purpose in creating the aggregation program is to represent local consumer interests in emerging competitive natural gas markets by aggregating natural gas loads within the city’s corporation limits (including municipal facilities) and negotiating affordable, reliable natural gas supplies and other related services on behalf of local consumers. The city may pursue this purpose individually or in cooperation with other entities.
   (c)   Many small commercial and residential natural gas consumers lack the leverage to effectively negotiate natural gas supply rates and services. A governmental aggregation program provides them with an option for professional representation and the bargaining power of a larger, more diverse consumer group that may be more attractive to suppliers, allowing them to effectively participate in the competitive process and achieve benefits.
(Ord. 05-O-2198, passed 6-7-2005)