(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the MXD Mixed Use Development District is to promote efficient use of existing city infrastructure; ensure sensitivity to surrounding neighborhoods; create linkages between compatible areas of the city; provide appropriate transitions between uses; ensure high quality design and architecture; create good pedestrian circulation and safety; promote alternative modes of transportation; and increase the quality of life and community image of Columbia Heights. The intent of this district is to encourage a flexible high-quality design strategy for development and/or redevelopment of specific areas within the community.
   (B)   General provisions.
      (1)   Application of district. The Mixed Use Development District shall only be applied to those areas identified as being within one of three mixed-use districts in the city’s comprehensive plan.
      (2)   Compliance with applicable regulations. Any use established in Mixed Use District after the effective date of this article shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal standards for such uses, unless specifically modified by the approved development agreement.
      (3)   Administration. The administration and enforcement of this section shall be in accordance with the provisions of § 9.104, Administration and Enforcement. Development proposals for a mixed-use development shall require a zoning amendment and site plan review and approval. Development proposals for a mixed-use development may also require the re-subdivision of land.
      (4)   Development agreement. A development agreement is required as part of the final mixed- use development approval. The development agreement shall address approved site and building design criteria, approved sign locations and design criteria, construction phasing, and bonding or other financial surety for construction of on- and off-site improvements.
   (C)   Mixed use development district types. The city’s comprehensive plan identifies three distinct mixed-use development opportunities with the city.
      (1)   Transit Oriented Mixed-Use. The purpose of the Transit-Oriented Mixed Use is to promote development and redevelopment that facilitates linkages and interaction of transit services, housing and neighborhood services. The focus of land use within this district is to ensure a pedestrian friendly environment and pedestrian connections to and from residential development and transit facilities. The mix of land use shall be flexible to help facilitate a successful development (12 units/acre minimum)
      (2)   Community Center Mixed-Use. The purpose of the Community Center Mixed-Use is to encourage a mix of land use and redevelopment located near the existing City Hall and other city offices and to strengthen the community image of Columbia Heights. Commercial/retail uses will be service- oriented and at a neighborhood scale. Residential uses will be medium to high density (six units/acre minimum). The mix of land use shall be flexible to help facilitate a successful development. The minimum floor area of any land use shall be 20% and the maximum floor area of any land use shall be 80%.
      (3)   Transitional Mixed-Use. The purpose of the Transitional Mixed-Use is to target redevelopment opportunities along the 40th Avenue corridor and provide opportunities to strengthen the connection between the downtown commercial core and city offices adjacent to Huset Park. The mix of land use shall consist of 60% medium to high density residential (12 units/acre minimum) and 40% office and/or commercial/retail. Land use should complement and strengthen the current residential character of the area and provide new opportunities for service oriented development. Commercial/retail uses should not compete with the downtown core and therefore primarily serve local residents.
   (D)   Uses. Mixed-use developments shall contain at least two of the following three land use categories:
      (1)   Residential uses. All permitted, conditional, and permitted accessory residential uses identified in § 9.109, Residential Districts, and § 9.110, Commercial Districts, which are consistent with the comprehensive plan shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within the Mixed Use Development District.
      (2)   Commercial uses. All permitted, conditional, and permitted accessory commercial uses identified in § 9.110, Commercial Districts, which are consistent with the comprehensive plan shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within the Mixed Use Development District.
      (3)   Institutional uses. All permitted, conditional, and accessory institutional uses identified in § 9.109, Residential Districts, and § 9.110, Commercial Districts, which are consistent with the comprehensive plan shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within the Mixed Use Development District.
   (E)   Performance standards. The following performance standards shall be applied to all mixed-use developments.
      (1)   The minimum size of a mixed-use development shall be flexible to help facilitate a successful development.
      (2)   The maximum non-residential density is 6.0 FAR and the maximum residential density is 20 units/acre. Maximum densities may be increased by up to 50% at the sole discretion of the City Council if one of more of the following are provided:
         (a)   At least 50% of the required parking is provided by underground parking or parking in ramps;
         (b)   Housing is provided above ground floor retail/service commercial and the total floor area of the housing is at least twice the floor area of the retail/service commercial use;
         (c)   Office space is provided above ground floor retail/service commercial and the total floor area of the office space is at least twice the floor area of the retail/service commercial use;
         (d)   At least 50% of the building ground coverage is concentrated in structures four or more stories in height, thereby conserving open space within the mixed-use development area.
      (3)   The design of the mixed-use development is sensitive to adjacent usable open space and includes design of pedestrian/bicycle connections to enhance existing circulation patterns.
      (4)   Building setbacks shall be regulated by the final site plan and development agreement approved by the City Council, based on the following findings:
         (a)   The setbacks provided adequate distances from uses in adjacent districts.
         (b)   The setbacks maintain and enhance the character of the neighborhood in which the mixed-use development is located.
      (5)   Cumulative parking requirements may be reduced by up to 30% of required spaces at the sole discretion of the Council if one or more of the following are provided:
         (a)   Joint or shared parking arrangements between uses;
         (b)   Proof of parking;
         (c)   Car/van pooling and/or provision of employee or resident transit passes;
         (d)   Superior pedestrian, bicycle and/or transit access.
      (6)   Buildings shall be oriented to the street or a common open area with minimal setbacks.
      (7)   Building facades shall be varied to create visual interest.
      (8)   All trash handling and loading areas shall be interior or utilize architectural screening of the same exterior materials as the principal building.
      (9)   Signage shall be allowed in conformance with the approved site plan and development agreement, and reflect the following standards:
         (a)   Pylon signs are prohibited;
         (b)   Freestanding monument signs shall utilize the same exterior materials as the principal building.
(Ord. 1428, passed 5-29-01; Am. Ord. 1460, passed 10-13-03)