§ 36.05 INSURANCE.
   (A)   In addition to the requirements of § 36.04(D), each applicant for a license shall, before a license is issued or renewed, furnish to the Committee certificates of insurance written by an insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the State of Arkansas, with the following levels of coverage:
      (1)   Liability insurance on all vehicles;
      (2)   Commercial liability insurance at a minimum of $500,000;
      (3)   Insurance for ambulance attendants’ errors and omissions at a minimum of $500,000 for each occurrence of bodily injury or property damage, and a minimum of $500,000 personal injury aggregate.
   (B)   The insurance required above shall not be canceled or terminated until at least 30 days after a notice of cancellation is received by the Committee. Upon failure of a licensee to maintain in full force and effect the insurance required by this section, the license shall become void and shall not be reinstated until evidence of satisfactory insurance has been filed.
(Ord. 90-4, passed 9-10-1990)