(A)   No person shall, for compensation, use the public highways of the county to engage in ambulance services without first having qualified, and have in force a valid license issued by the county for that purpose.
   (B)   Any person desiring to obtain a license for ambulance services or renew an existing license shall make application to the county on forms provided by the Ambulance Services Committee, giving complete information requested.
   (C)   No license or registration shall be transferable.
   (D)   No license shall be issued or renewed until and unless the following information is provided to the Ambulance Services Committee:
      (1)   Proof of a current license and certification from the State Board of Health for a Class 1-A or higher ambulance service;
      (2)   Proof of certification from the State Board of Health of a minimum of one Class 1-A ambulance for each 10,000 people living in the county, as determined by the latest decennial census;
      (3)   Proof of possession of one extra ambulance unit as a backup which can be used for emergency use by only transferring basic supplies and equipment, and not, for example, radios, lights and the like;
      (4)   Evidence of employment of a minimum of 15 EMT-A’s (or above) certified by the State Board of Health, at least eight of whom must be residents of the county. At least four EMT’s must be full-time employees and at least five of the EMT’s must have been so certified for at least one year beyond their six- month state required probationary period, herein referred to as experienced EMT-A. It is required that at least one experienced EMT-A be physically present in each ambulance during all runs. The manager of the ambulance service must be one of the eight EMT’s who have been certified for at least one year beyond their probationary period;
      (5)   A statement from a physician practicing through the Magnolia Hospital that he or she will serve as the medical adviser of the ambulance service;
      (6)   The names and addresses of all owners, partners and/or shareholders, and the manager of the ambulance service;
      (7)   Affidavits from the ambulance service manager, all employed EMT’s and any owner, partner or shareholder who takes an active part in the operation of the business that they have not been convicted of a felony involving dishonesty within the last ten years which has not been pardoned;
      (8)   Evidence that a minimum of eight employed EMT’s are equipped with pagers at all times;
      (9)   Evidence that the ambulance service is approved by Medicare;
      (10)   A notarized schedule showing all fees to be charged for services rendered shall be filed with the County Clerk within two weeks of approval, and shall be updated as rate amendments are approved; and
      (11)   A written commitment from the ambulance service that one emergency vehicle shall remain in the county at all times.
   (E)   Licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance.
(Ord. 90-4, passed 9-10-1990)