6.3.101: Definitions
6.3.102: Rules And Regulations
6.3.103: Certificate Of Designation; Requirement Of
6.3.104: Certificate Of Designation; Application For
6.3.105: Certificate Of Designation; Referral To Planning Commission
6.3.106: Certificate Of Designation; Factors To Be Considered
6.3.107: Certificate Of Designation; Power To Issue; Appeals
6.3.108: Existing Solid Waste Sites And Facilities
6.3.109: Exemptions
6.3.110: Inspections
6.3.111: Public Nuisance
6.3.112: Suspension Or Revocation Of Certificate
The City hereby adopts by reference those definitions promulgated by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment pursuant to the "Solid Waste Disposal Sites And Facilities Act", part 1 of article 20 of title 30, Colorado Revised Statutes, and published in the Code of Colorado Regulations at 6 CCR 1007.2, and any subsequent amendments thereto. (Ord. 94-21; Ord. 01-42)
The City hereby adopts by reference the part A rules and regulations relating to waiver processes and procedures and minimum standards, and the part B rules and regulations promulgated by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment pursuant to the "Solid Waste Disposal Sites And Facilities Act", part 1 of article 20 of title 30, Colorado Revised Statutes, and published in the Code of Colorado Regulations at 6 CCR 1007.2, and any subsequent amendments thereto. (Ord. 94-21; Ord. 01-42)
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, operate, construct, or modify a solid waste disposal site or solid waste disposal facility in the City without first having obtained a certificate of designation from the City pursuant to the requirements of this article. (Ord. 94-21; Ord. 01-42)