A. Hospitality And Gifts: No covered person or immediate family member shall solicit, accept, or give any gift related to the covered person's duties and responsibilities on behalf of the City.
B. Exceptions: Providing that the gift could not be reasonably considered a bribe or a means of improper influence on a direct official action, no violation of this Code of Ethics shall be found to apply to the following:
1. A campaign contribution as defined by law.
2. An unsolicited item or items of value less than the dollar amount established and adjusted in Colorado Constitution, article XXIX, section 3, per vendor or third party per year. As of January 1, 2017, that amount is fifty nine dollars ($59.00).
a. The cost of the gift is the retail value of the item unless the receiver has knowledge that the giver paid more than the retail value, in which case the cost is the amount actually paid.
b. For a charity event, the cost of the event is the amount the event organizer reports to the Internal Revenue Service as the non-deductible portion of the event.
c. It is not permissible to pay part of the cost of a gift that is offered with a value exceeding the amount set forth in subsection B2 of this section to reduce the value to less than the amount set forth in subsection B2 of this section and then accept the gift.
d. Immediate family members of covered persons, except those of elected officials, may only accept a free or discounted event ticket if they attend the event with a covered person. Event tickets for elected officials are covered under subsection B15 of this section.
3. An unsolicited token or award of appreciation that is reasonable in value and purpose, such as plaques and professional awards.
4. A component of compensation paid or other recognition given in the normal course of employment, appointment, volunteer services, or business.
5. Any scholarship or grant or other financial aid for education given to any covered person or immediate family member for any reason.
6. Any charity event benefiting the City and any of its affiliated organizations.
7. Any gift solicitation for a charitable purpose as determined to be appropriate by the City or its affiliated organization.
8. Any gift, whether solicited or not, to benefit a public safety or community purpose.
9. Awards or prizes given at competitions or drawings at events open to the public.
10. Reasonable cost (e.g., fees, meals, lodging, and/or transportation) and frequency of conferences, seminars, events, or meetings, so long as the conferences, seminars, events, or meetings are documented and:
a. The person is scheduled to deliver a speech, participate in a presentation, participate on a panel, or receive an award;
b. The cost of the conference, seminar, event, or meeting is paid pursuant to a vendor agreement or contract; or
c. The cost of the conference, seminar, event, or meeting is paid by a governmental entity or an IRC 501(c)(3) organization.
11. Reasonable cost and frequency of City sponsored educational events, so long as the events are documented.
12. Reasonable cost and frequency of business meals for covered persons, so long as the meals are documented.
13. Perishable or consumable gifts given to a City department or group.
14. Gifts accepted in a covered person's official capacity that will become property of the City.
15. For elected officials and their immediate family members, reasonable cost and frequency of meals and event tickets pertaining to their official duties as Mayor or members of City Council so long as the gift is documented and is not intended, and does not affect, a direct official action.
16. A non-pecuniary award of reasonable value and frequency publicly presented by an IRC 501(c)(3) organization in recognition of public service.
17. Discounts that are similarly available to all employees of the City, or discounts that are offered to the public generally or to a large segment of the public (i.e., all uniformed personnel, all government employees, or all first responders).
18. Any exemption granted or exception recognized pursuant to Federal or State law.
19. Any other exceptions as may be approved by the Commission through an inquiry for consideration.
C. Inappropriate Hospitality And Gifts: Inappropriate hospitality or gifts involves offering or receiving accommodations, tours, event tickets, recreation, entertainment, meals or other similar personal benefits when a substantial interest exists that could influence or be perceived to influence objectivity when interacting with, representing, or conducting business for or on behalf of the City. (Ord. 11-18; Ord. 16-122)