A.   At any general municipal election 1 commencing with the April 2011 general municipal election, if no candidate for the office of Mayor receives a majority of the votes cast for Mayor as required by City Charter subsection 2-10(a)(1), a Mayoral runoff election shall be held on the third Tuesday in May following the general municipal election.
   B.   The Mayoral runoff election shall be conducted as a mail ballot, except:
      1.   Electors eligible to vote in the runoff election shall be those eligible to vote under State law.
      2.   The ballot shall only consist of the two (2) Mayoral candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the general municipal election. No other issues or questions shall be referred to the Mayoral runoff election ballot.
      3.   Publication of an election notice shall be on or before the tenth day before the election.
   C.   If a Mayoral runoff election is required, the names of the two (2) candidates for the Office of Mayor receiving the highest number of votes in the general municipal election shall appear on the ballot as the runoff candidates for Mayor.
   D.   In the event of a tie vote for candidates having the second highest number of votes in the general municipal election, a selection shall be made by lot so that there will only be two (2) eligible candidates for the runoff election.
   E.   The ballot order of the runoff Mayoral candidate names shall be determined by lot at a time and date designated by the City Clerk.
   F.   At seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. on the Mayoral runoff election day, results shall be tabulated; however, the ballot procedures identified in subsections 5.1.120C, 5.1.121C and E of this part shall apply to the Mayoral runoff election. Upon completion of the ballot procedures identified in subsections 5.1.120C, 5.1.121C and E of this part, results shall be tabulated. The Canvass Board shall complete the official abstract of votes cast and certification within twelve (12) days after the runoff election. The runoff candidate receiving a majority of votes cast for the Office of Mayor shall be declared elected and entitled to a certificate of election. A "majority" shall be more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes cast for Mayor at a Mayoral runoff election.
   G.   In the event of a tie vote in the runoff election, a second runoff election shall be held under the same procedure as the first runoff election, the date of which shall be set by the City Council, and this procedure shall be repeated until one runoff candidate receives a majority of the votes cast for Mayor.
   H.   In the event of the death, disqualification or withdrawal of either of the two (2) runoff Mayoral candidates prior to the conduct of the runoff or subsequent elections, the name of the candidate who received the third greatest number of votes for the Office of Mayor in the general municipal election shall be substituted and shall appear on the runoff election ballot. In any such event, notice of any substitution of a runoff Mayoral candidate shall be publicly noticed. (Ord. 10-105; Ord. 16-102)



2. See City Charter section 11-20.