3.2.101: Equipment Pool Authorized
3.2.102: Title To Equipment
3.2.103: Equipment Pool Fund
3.2.104: Rental Of Equipment
The Mayor is authorized to establish an equipment pool (the "pool"), for City construction and automotive equipment, and to transfer and place in the pool construction, automotive and other equipment, as the Mayor deems proper through budgetary procedures, directives or other appropriate means. Equipment shall remain in the pool unless the Mayor withdraws, sells or otherwise disposes of the property. (Ord. 2710; 1968 Code §1-80; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 11-19)
Title to the equipment placed in the equipment pool shall remain in the City. The dominion, assignment and control of the equipment in the pool, including its use, maintenance and replacement shall be vested in the Mayor or the Manager. (Ord. 2710; 1968 Code §1-82; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 11-19)
All rentals, monies from the sale of equipment and other revenues received from the operation of the pool shall be placed in a fund to be known as the equipment pool fund. Monies shall be retained in the fund and carried over from year to year to be used only for expenses in the operation of the pool including replacement of and acquisition of additional equipment. Provision for the operation of the pool, appropriations and other related fiscal procedures shall be incorporated in the annual budgets and appropriation ordinances, but monies from the equipment pool fund shall not be appropriated, taken or used for purposes other than in connection with the equipment pool, nor shall the monies be transferred to the City's general fund. (Ord. 2710; 1968 Code §1-84; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 11-19)
   A.   The Mayor shall be responsible for the repair, maintenance and replacement of the equipment transferred and placed in the pool and shall have authority to charge for the use of the equipment or any part thereof or to rent the same to any City department on an hourly, monthly or annual basis as appropriate.
   B.   The rental rates established shall be approved by the Mayor and shall be of an amount to provide for the repair and maintenance of the equipment, fuel, administrative costs, storage, amortization and other expenses.
   C.   In renting or authorizing the use of equipment for the rates and charges established, the equipment pool shall not provide operators for the equipment but may designate or approve the operators from the City groups or departments to which the equipment is rented.
   D.   The Mayor may adopt rules and regulations for the general operation of the pool. (Ord. 2710; 1968 Code §§1-81, 1-83; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 11-19)
3.2.201: Permits Required
3.2.202: Application For Permit
3.2.203: Indemnification And Insurance Requirements
3.2.204: Permit Fees; Renewals
3.2.205: Permit Term; Expiration Date
3.2.206: Issuance Of Permit; Filing
3.2.207: Assignment Of Permit
3.2.208: Additional Provisions Or Conditions
3.2.209: Compliance With Laws
3.2.210: Permit Site
3.2.211: Use And Occupancy Of Public Property Classified
3.2.212: Subsurface Space
3.2.213: Surface Uses
3.2.214: Spaces Above Surface Of Public Property
3.2.215: Revocation Of Permits
3.2.216: Appeal Procedures
3.2.217: Obstruction On Public Ways Prohibited; Removal
3.2.218: Small Cell Facilities
   A.   The space below the surface, upon the surface, and above the surface of public property may be used and occupied for any purpose not inconsistent with the provisions of this part, other provisions of this Code, other laws or ordinances regulating the use and occupancy of the public property. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or occupy the space, whether below, upon or above the surface of public property, or to construct any device or structure set forth except by and under the authority of a revocable permit in writing first granted by the City Council, Mayor, or Utilities Executive Director and issued by the Mayor, or in the case of property primarily used by Utilities, granted and issued by the Utilities Executive Director. However, recreational vehicles or trailers may be stored in accord with the provisions of chapters 9 and 10 of this Code, in which case no revocable permit shall be required under the provisions of this part.
   B.   For purposes of this article, permits shall be for the use and occupancy of Utilities' property and rights-of-way. Licenses shall be for all other uses and occupancy of public property.
   C.   All permits and licenses shall be issued per the authority listed in section 10-100 of the City Charter.
   D.   For purposes of this article, the Mayor shall have authority to issue revocable permits for use of public property primarily used by the Municipal government. The Utilities Executive Director shall have authority to issue revocable permits for use of public property primarily used by Utilities pursuant to section 12.1.118 of this Code.
   E.   The Mayor may by administrative regulation delegate the responsibility for review, approval and issuance of revocable permits. (Ord. 4466; 1968 Code §10-143; Ord. 91-160; Ord. 94-80; Ord. 98-185; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 03-125; Ord. 07-31; Ord. 11-19)