A.   Enforcement: Provisions of this section shall be enforced by the Code Enforcement Administrator or the Administrator's designee.
   B.   Bicycles To Be Marked: Every bicycle-share bicycle shall be clearly marked with the bicycle-share business name and the bicycle-share operator phone number, email address, and unique bicycle identification number.
   C.   Retrieval Of Bicycle-Share Bicycles: Licensee shall, within four (4) hours of notice by the City, retrieve their bicycle- share bicycles that are in any of the following conditions:
      1.   Improperly parked:
         a.   On any portion of a sidewalk that prevents pedestrians from passing through; or
         b.   On any public right-of-way where signs prohibit bicycle parking, or where bicycle parking is otherwise prohibited by State or local law; or
         c.   Improperly secured to a bicycle rack.
      2.   Inoperable, damaged or not safe to operate or not in conformance with section 10.19.108 of this Code;
      3.   Impeding free movement of pedestrians, vehicles, or other lawful users of public areas; or
      4.   Abandoned, causing a nuisance, or obstructing creeks or stormwater drainage conveyances and appurtenances.
   D.   Impoundment: The City shall be permitted to impound a bicycle- share bicycle that is not retrieved by the bicycle-share business within four (4) hours of notice by the City.
   E.   Impoundment Fee: The bicycle-share business shall within thirty (30) days of the date of written notice of impoundment reimburse the City for the costs of impoundment pursuant to an impoundment fee as set by the Mayor.
   F.   Storage Fee: In addition to the other remedies provided in this section, the bicycle-share business shall be subject to a storage fee as set by the Mayor for each day the bicycle-share bicycle is within the City's possession and shall remit payment to the City within thirty (30) days of the date of billing.
   G.   Appeal Of Fees: Within ten (10) days of the postmark on the written notice of assessment of reimbursement for impoundment or storage fees, the bicycle-share business shall have the right to appeal such assessment in accord with section 10.25.105 of this Code. The burden of proof shall be on the Code Enforcement Administrator or the Administrator's designee to establish by a preponderance of the evidence probable cause for the impoundment of the bicycle pursuant to this part.
   H.   Release Of Impounded Bicycle-Share Bicycles: The Code Enforcement Administrator or the Administrator's designee shall release impounded bicycle-share bicycles pursuant to section 10.19.112 of this Code. (Ord. 18-47)