The Presiding Judge shall have the powers and duties, including, but not limited to, the following:
   A.   Administer and superintend Associate Judges, which shall include the right to reassign cases and to assign Judges to specific divisions and calendars of the court.
   B.   Convene a three (3) Judge or en banc court upon motion of an Associate Judge or upon the Presiding Judge's own motion. Decisions of the court on matters of law shall be binding on all Judges until reversed by a superior court.
   C.   Designate the fines which may be made payable in the Violations Bureau prior to first appearance date noted on the summons and complaint, subject to applicable State laws and rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Colorado and limitations imposed by chapter 1 of this Code. After first appearance the general penalty section applies as provided in section 1.1.201 of this Code.
   D.   Set minimum court costs for matters processed through the court.
   E.   Set fees for court appointed counsel as provided by section 11.3.108 of this chapter.
   F.   Set indigency standards as provided by section 11.3.108 of this chapter.
   G.   Administer oaths to elected municipal officials and others as authorized by law.
   H.   Promulgate and enforce the rules and regulations necessary to effectively govern the Municipal Court system. (1980 Code; Ord. 95-168; Ord. 97-184; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 16-38; Ord. 17-22)