A.   Court Appointed Counsel: The Municipal Judges may, upon their own motion or upon application by an indigent person, cause the appointment of an attorney to represent the indigent person in the Municipal Court. The attorney appointed shall be awarded compensation and reimbursement for expenses necessarily incurred, to be fixed by the Presiding Judge and paid by the Municipal Court.
   B.   Indigency Standards: The Presiding Judge shall promulgate indigency standards for those desiring court appointed counsel. The Presiding Judge may delegate to the Court Administrator the administration of the appointment of counsel for indigents. Applicants for court appointed counsel shall complete an application form and each applicant shall attest by affidavit to the truthfulness of the information.
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to give false information on an application for court appointed counsel, and upon conviction of a violation, shall be punished as provided in section 1.1.201 of this Code.
   C.   Repayment: In any case where it is determined pursuant to this section that a defendant is able to repay all or part of the expense of court appointed counsel, all or part of the expense may be assessed against the defendant. The action may be taken regardless of the resolution of the case before the court. (Ord. 4718; 1968 Code §§1-28, 1-29, 1-30; Ord. 83-42; Ord. 95-180; Ord. 01-42)