For purposes of determining and classifying any noise as excessive or unusually loud as declared to be unlawful and prohibited by this article, the following test measurements and requirements may be applied. A violation of sections 9.8.101 and 9.8.102 of this part may, however, occur without the following measurements being made:
A. Distance Of Measurement: Noise occurring within the jurisdiction of the City shall be measured at a distance of at least twenty five feet (25') from a noise source located within the public right of way, and if the noise source is located on private property or property other than the public right of way, at least twenty five feet (25') from the property line of the property on which the noise source is located.
B. Measurement:
1. The noise shall be measured on the A weighing scale on sound level meter of standard design and quality and having characteristics established by the American National Standards Institute.
2. For purposes of this article, measurements with sound level meters shall be made when the wind velocity at the time and place of the measurement is not more than five (5) miles per hour, or twenty five (25) miles per hour with a windscreen.
3. In all sound level measurements consideration shall be given to the effect of the ambient noise level created by the encompassing noise of the environment from all sources at the time and place of the sound level measurement. (Ord. 96-41; Ord. 01-42)