A. At any time within thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the current license, a licensee may submit an application for a license renewal for the succeeding year and pay the required fees. Unless otherwise provided, if renewal application is made and no action or proceeding is pending against the licensee for suspension or revocation of the current license or licenses, the licensee may continue the business for the succeeding period unless or until the application for license renewal is denied.
B. In the event a suspension or revocation proceeding is pending when the licensee applies for renewal, the business may continue during the pendency of the proceeding, but the renewal application shall not be acted upon until the suspension or revocation proceeding has been completed.
C. All renewal applications shall be submitted on forms provided by the City Clerk's Office and shall contain an affirmation under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements contained in the application and any attachments thereto are true, correct, and complete.
D. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly make any false statement or omit any pertinent information on any renewal application for a license. In the event any person knowingly makes any false statement or omits any pertinent information on any renewal application, that act or omission shall, in addition to all other remedies, be grounds for denial of the renewal or for suspension or revocation of any license issued upon the basis of the false statement.
E. Every renewal application shall be evaluated in accord with the requirements of section 2.1.601 of this part.
F. Whenever any renewal application and accompanying license fee payment is not received on or before the expiration date of any license issued for the current license term, and the licensee continues to engage in the business for which the license was issued, an additional penalty of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the license fee shall be imposed and collected. The Deputy Licensing Officer shall be authorized to waive or adjust any or all of this penalty and additional fee whenever the Deputy Licensing Officer determines the delinquency is not the fault of the licensee and to collect or require payment would be an injustice.
G. The failure of a licensee to exercise the privilege of license renewal for a period of thirty (30) days beyond the expiration of the license shall be prima facie evidence that the licensee does not intend to renew the license, and that the license has expired and is no longer valid. No expired license shall be renewed. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 14-72)
A licensee may surrender the license by delivering it to the City Clerk's Office with or without a written statement of its surrender. Surrender of a license shall not affect the civil or criminal liability of a licensee for acts committed prior to surrender, nor entitle the licensee to a refund of the license fee for any remaining portion of the licensing period. A surrendered license shall be deemed to be expired and the licensee shall immediately cease exercising the privileges of the license. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42)
The applicant for a license pursuant to this General Licensing Code must submit the application to any officer or agency of the City whose approval or inspection is required for the license. The City officer or agency shall perform the function by law or as requested by the City Clerk's Office and shall return the application to the Deputy Licensing Officer with an endorsement of approval or disapproval. An application which is disapproved by a City officer or agency shall be accompanied by a written statement of the grounds for disapproval. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42)
Any approval or inspection required for renewal of a license, or deemed necessary in the Deputy Licensing Officer's discretion, shall be conducted by the appropriate City officer or agency. A renewal application which is disapproved by a City officer or agency shall be accompanied by a written statement of the grounds for disapproval. The Deputy Licensing Officer shall grant or deny the renewal application in accord with the provisions pertaining to the particular license and this article. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 14-72)
All persons authorized to inspect licensed premises and businesses shall have the authority to enter and inspect, with or without a search warrant, at all reasonable times, and in a reasonable manner, the following:
A. Premises for which a license is required.
B. Premises for which a license was issued and which, at the time of inspection, is operating under the license.
C. Premises for which a license has been revoked or suspended.
D. Books and records required to be kept by this General Licensing Code. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42)