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Colorado Springs Overview
Colorado Springs, CO Code of Ordinances
Every applicant for a license or renewal of a license must meet the general standards and qualifications set out in this part.
   A.   Good Moral Character: Each applicant shall be of good moral character. In determining good moral character, the Deputy Licensing Officer must consider:
      1.   License History: The license history of the applicant; whether in previously conducting business in this or another locality, any license has been revoked or suspended, the reasons for any administrative action and the demeanor of the applicant subsequent to the action. The Deputy Licensing Officer shall also consider whether, when previously conducting business, the applicant engaged in false or misleading advertising, falsified any business records or participated in any unlawful business practice.
      2.   General Personal History: Each applicant shall have a satisfactory general personal history. The Deputy Licensing Officer shall investigate other facts relevant to the general personal history of the applicant as necessary to fairly determine the applicant's qualifications and ability to conduct the business in a lawful manner. Relevant facts may include, but not be limited to, the applicant's criminal history, knowing or wilful deception in any phase of the application or licensing process, fraud in obtaining any license or registration, addiction to alcohol, habit forming drugs or controlled substances or complaints received by the City Clerk's Office.
   B.   No Obligations To City: Each applicant shall not be indebted or obligated in any manner to the City.
   C.   Compliance With All City Regulations: Each applicant shall, to the extent applicable, present certificates furnished by the appropriate City departments to the effect that the proposed use of any premises is in compliance with all applicable City regulations including, but not limited to, Zoning, Building and Fire Codes. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42)
All applications shall be submitted on forms provided by the City Clerk's Office. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 14-72)
Unless otherwise provided, the application for every license required by and issued under the authority of the City shall contain:
   A.   The full name and mailing address of each applicant desiring the license and any other names under which the applicant is or has been known;
   B.   The name under which the applicant intends to do business;
   C.   A copy of the applicant's trade name registration and certificate of good standing from the Colorado Secretary of State as applicable;
   D.   The residence address, telephone number and date of birth of the applicant, if an individual;
   E.   The full name and any other names under which each principal and managing agent of the applicant is or has been known and the residence address, telephone number, and date of birth of each principal and managing agent of the applicant;
   F.   The full name, residence address, and telephone number of the resident agent for process of the applicant;
   G.   The type of license desired, stating the business to be performed, practiced or carried on;
   H.   The local street address, if any, where the business is to be conducted; the principal place of business if other than the local street address;
   I.   The year for which the license is sought;
   J.   A statement containing the date, place and disposition of any criminal history of the applicant and each principal and managing agent of the applicant;
   K.   A statement containing information relating to the denial, suspension or revocation of any business license held by the applicant and each principal and managing agent of the applicant, whether in this State or any other state;
   L.   A statement of release allowing the City to check all known records and review any pertinent criminal record of the applicant and each principal and managing agent of the applicant;
   M.   Any other relevant information required by the provisions pertaining to the particular license sought or any other relevant information required by the City Clerk's Office; and
   N.   An affirmation made under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements contained in the application and any attachments thereto are true, correct, and complete.
   O.   The Deputy Licensing Officer may also require proof of the applicant's identity. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 14-72)
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly make any false statement or omit any pertinent information on any application for a license. In the event any person knowingly makes any false statement or omits any pertinent information on any application, that act or omission shall, in addition to all other remedies, be grounds for denial of the license or for suspension or revocation of any license issued upon the basis of the false statement. (Ord. 14-72)
2.1.501: Application And Related Fees; Refund
2.1.502: License Fees; Refund
2.1.503: Partial Payment; Replacement Licenses
2.1.504: Prorating Fees
2.1.505: Receipts For Payment Of Fees
2.1.506: Unpaid Fee Constitutes Debt
All original and renewal license applications shall be accompanied by any applicable application fee and any applicable exam, background check, registration, or other fee as established by separate City Council Resolution. The City Clerk's Office shall not accept a license application unless accompanied by the required fees. The City Clerk's Office shall also charge fees for copies of licenses or identification cards and for a change of employer as applicable.
Application and related fees are charged to defray the expense of processing license applications and changes, and shall not be refunded to the applicant if the license is denied, the application or change is withdrawn, or for any other reason after the application or change is filed and the fee paid. Application and related fees are separate and distinct from license fees and may not be applied to or deducted from a required license fee. (Ord. 97-160; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 14-72; Ord. 18-113)