(A) After the pre-submittal conference and general approval of the sketch plan, the subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision, prepared by a licensed professional surveyor; and other exhibits as hereinafter specified. The subdivider shall submit to the Planning and Zoning Department a digital copy of the preliminary plat, in a format determined by the Planning and Zoning Director. If any reviewing agencies or departments request a printed copy the applicant shall provide a blueline or blackline copy scaled to fit on a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet.
(B) Processing will not officially commence until all required documents and fees are received. If the subdivider fails to submit a preliminary plat for review within 1 year of any approved sketch plan, or at the end of an extension approved by the Planning and Zoning Director, a new pre-submittal conference shall be held to determine if an updated sketch plan needs to be submitted.
(C) If during processing, deviations from the requirements of these regulations are noted, the subdivider or their representative shall be notified of the appropriate action necessary on his or her part for the continuation of the processing (see § 153.006).
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2021-06, passed - -)
(A) The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn to an accurate scale not to exceed 100 feet to the inch.
(B) Sheet size shall be 22 inches by 34 inches.
(C) The plat shall include the following:
(1) Title/locators. Each sheet shall have a title block with the title "preliminary plat"; the proposed name of the subdivision; its location by section, township and range; small scale vicinity map showing relative location of the plat; scale (both graphic and equivalent inch to feet); north point; reference by dimension and bearing to section corners and quarter-section corners; and subdivision boundaries clearly identified;
(2) Contact information. Name, address and phone number of landowner (and subdivider, if not the same); engineer, surveyor preparing the plat, including registration stamp;
(3) Dates. Date of preparation, including dates of any subsequent revisions;
(4) Topography. Topography with contours relating to North American Vertical Datum (NAVD 1988), or other datum approved in writing by the Town Engineer, to be shown on the same map as the proposed subdivision layout. Location, description and elevation of the bench mark used should also be shown and/or described on the plat with a maximum contour interval of 2 feet unless another contour interval is approved by the Planning and Zoning Director. Source and date of topography shall be noted on the preliminary plat. Topography shall be depicted a minimum of 100 feet beyond project boundary. The plat shall identify all slopes of 20% or greater (a rise of 20 feet over a 100-foot run). A slope analysis diagram will be required for any subdivision with slopes exceeding 10% grade;
(5) Drainage related items. Special flood hazard areas including floodways and 100-year floodplain areas, if any, shall be delineated on the preliminary plat. Finished floor elevations for building pads shall be identified within flood hazard areas. Include retention basins required to handle the flow from a 100-year storm without flooding building sites. Show culverts, flood control dikes, bridges and crossings. Arrows should indicate general flow in all water courses;
(6) Adjacent improvements. Location, widths (paving and right-of-way), ownership status and names of all existing streets and improvements therein; highways; recorded utility or other easements or rights-of-way, including any existing facilities therein; public areas; all existing structures, fences and utilities with an indication of whether or not they are to remain; and municipal corporation lines within or adjacent to the tract. Access to the proposed subdivision shall be shown and described to its intersection with an existing public street right-of-way;
(7) Adjacent properties. Name and Mohave County Recorder's Office book and page numbers of any recorded subdivisions within or having a common boundary with the tract, or the notation "unsubdivided" and the property owner's name and address;
(8) Traffic connections. Location, width and names of existing and proposed streets and alleys; location and dimensions of pedestrian/equestrian trails, drainageways, sidewalks, cross-walks and easements including all connections to adjoining platted or unplatted tracts. A typical cross-section shall be depicted on the plat where applicable describing the aforementioned improvements;
(9) Lot layout. Identify lot dimensions; dimensions of all corner lots and lots on curvilinear sections of street; number all lots and blocks by consecutive numbers; show acreage of each lot and total acres of the entire subdivision;
(10) Public reservations. Designation of all land to be dedicated or reserved for public or semi-public use, as may be required pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-463.01(D) through (F), with reservation by use indicated;
(12) Land uses/zoning. Existing and proposed land uses for all areas of the entire subdivision shall be clearly designated together with existing zoning classification, present district boundary lines and status of any pending zoning change. Include a re-zone application as applicable. A statement regarding availability of utilities and the direction and distance thereto and preliminary letters of serviceability shall be submitted in conjunction with the application.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) A traffic impact study shall be performed in accordance with the latest version of Traffic Impact analyses section in the traffic studies chapter of the ADOT Traffic Engineering Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures (PGP) manual. The Planning and Zoning Director may waive the requirement to complete and submit a traffic impact analysis on a case-by-case basis.
(B) The traffic impact analysis shall be funded by the subdivider and upon submittal to the Planning and Zoning Department shall be transmitted to and reviewed by the Town Engineer. Copies shall be made available to other governmental agencies which may be affected by increased traffic.
(C) Generally, the following criteria are considered when determining if a traffic impact analysis is warranted:
(1) Significant changes in land uses are proposed or higher density zoning is sought;
(2) Access to a collector or arterial street is requested or the existing location of access to the property is changed;
(3) The proposed increased activity or intensity of development will significantly impact vehicular or pedestrian traffic on town streets;
(4) A total of 50 or more vehicular trips during an a.m. or p.m. peak hour is expected to be generated by the proposed development; and
(5) Whether proposed streets are designed for on-street parking or if parking is provided on individual sites/lots or in common parking areas.
(D) The subdivider shall be required to provide financial assurances or complete the installation of any improvements, including pedestrian trails, determined necessary to maintain or improve traffic circulation, operations and traffic safety in direct proportion to the impact caused by the proposed development (see §§ 153.080 through 153.087 below).
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to furnish the town such evidence as the town may require for its satisfaction as to the facilities for supplying domestic water. A statement as to the type of facilities proposed shall appear on the preliminary plat. A statement of water adequacy is required from the Arizona Department of Water Resources either for the proposed subdivision or for the water company (private or public) which will serve the subdivision pursuant to A.R.S. § 45-108.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to furnish the Town Water and Sewer Department such evidence as that department may require for its satisfaction as to the design and connection to the town sanitary sewage system.
(B) Sewage disposal systems will not be by individual lot septic tanks, except as provided for in Town Code Chapter 156, Development Standards.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2017-03, passed 11-13-2017)
(A) Engineering plans. Engineering plans in support of the preliminary plat shall be prepared under the direction of, and signed and sealed by, a professional engineer registered in the State of Arizona.
(B) Supplemental submittals. Supplemental submittals at this stage, such as grading, drainage or street plans, should be preliminary plans, not final design construction plans. They are the type of plans that clearly show the intent of the design and are needed to evaluate the viability of the preliminary plat and to allow the reviewing agencies to make reasonable decisions. The plans may generally be prepared using scaled distances and elevations taken from the topographic map used for the preliminary plat. All supplemental submittals must be consistent with each other and the preliminary plat.
(C) Submission. The following material shall accompany the submission of all preliminary plats (if this data is not included on the preliminary plat, then digital copies are required).
(D) Covenants. A preliminary draft of the proposed deed restrictions or protective covenants to be incorporated in the final plat submittal, including provisions for use and maintenance of commonly-owned facilities, if any, shall accompany the submission of the preliminary plat.
(E) Street names. Submit a list of the proposed street names. Street names and numbers shall conform to the town's master street address guide.
(F) Preliminary grading plan. A preliminary grading plan shall be required when cuts or fills are reasonably expected to exceed 5 feet in height in areas or will extend outside of the normal street right-of-way. The preliminary grading plan shall be in sufficient detail to convey the extent of grading activities such that their impact can be evaluated by the reviewing agencies. The scale of the preliminary grading plan shall be smaller than 1"=100'. The plan shall include existing and finished grade contours and limits of cut and fill areas. Driveway and building locations shall be shown when topographic or other constraints are reasonably expected to require specific locations or special site grading. A geotechnical report certified by a registered professional engineer in the State of Arizona shall accompany the grading plan to support the slope stability facets of the grading plan, and to make recommendations regarding the grading of streets and lots, the compaction of embankment areas and fill sections, and the design recommendations for pavements and foundations.
(G) Preliminary street plans. Grades shall be given to the nearest whole percent grade. Street plan and profile sheets shall be prepared at a scale sufficient to allow evaluation of the proposed streets, but in no case shall the scale be smaller than 1"=50'. Proposed drainage structures within the street right-of-way shall be shown on the preliminary street plans. The preliminary grading plan may be shown on the preliminary street plans if all of the grading will be related directly to the street construction. The reviewing agency's interests in these plans are:
(1) Height, stability and slope of cut and fills;
(2) Affected drainage patterns;
(3) Potential roadway geometric layout;
(4) Impacts of the streets on adjacent lots and properties;
(5) Access to the subdivision and needed off-site street improvements;
(6) Drainage facility concepts for cross-street drainage and for on-street drainage; and
(7) Other items that may be specific to the streets for the proposed subdivision.
(H) Preliminary utility plan.
(1) A preliminary utility plan shall be prepared to illustrate the proposed location of utilities and verify that the necessary easements and rights-of-way are proposed on the preliminary plat.
(2) For sewers, this will include location and size of proposed lines; and location and depths of existing manholes and cleanouts. For water installations, this should include location and size of proposed water lines, fire hydrants, valves, meter vaults and the like. The location and size of the existing water lines to be connected to, and nearby off-site fire hydrant and water valve locations, shall also be shown.
(3) Detailed and specific construction improvement plans are to be submitted at the final plat stage. It is recognized that final utility locations are decided by the individual utility companies, but the objective of the preliminary utility plan shall be to encourage cooperation by the various utilities with the subdivider and the town in the planning and design of utilities to serve the proposed subdivision.
(4) A statement regarding availability and adequacy of existing utilities and the direction and distance thereto, shall be shown on the preliminary utility plan and preliminary letters of serviceability from the respective utility companies shall be submitted.
(I) Preliminary drainage report. A preliminary drainage report, covering the details of surface stormwater runoff and of flood conditions and the specific effects of floods on the area being subdivided, shall be submitted with identified impacts from upstream flows on the project and impacts on downstream properties. The drainage report shall identify the location and preliminary sizes for retention basins required to handle the 100-year storm without flooding building sites, per Town Code Chapter 151, or any successor ordinance.
(J) Exceptions. Describe any exceptions from ordinance standards being requested in response to special circumstances which may be posed by the site and submit an application for exception from these regulations or associated design or improvement standards on a form provided by the town for this purpose (see § 153.005).
(L) Phasing. A development phasing plan and schedule with completion dates shall be submitted for any multi-phase subdivision.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2021-06, passed - -)
(A) Agency review. When the preliminary subdivision plat and accompanying materials are received by the Planning and Zoning Director, copies of the subdivision plat and accompanying materials will be transmitted, as may be required, to the following agencies as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Director: Town Engineer; County Environmental Health Services (if needed); Arizona Department of Transportation if it the subdivision contains or abuts a state or federal highway; utility providers; state or federal land management agency if adjacent to public lands; Fire Marshal or affected fire district, irrigation district, schools and other interested or affected agencies.
(B) Response time line. Reviewing agencies shall have 25 working days, from the date received from the Planning and Zoning Department, to complete their comments pertaining to the proposed subdivision. Agencies shall submit their comments to the Planning and Zoning Director. No reply by an agency within the time limit specified shall be deemed as having received no objections from that
agency to approval of the preliminary plat. When all replies have been received, or the specified date of reply reached, the Planning and Zoning Department staff shall prepare a report on the proposed subdivision, including comments from all town departments and other agencies, and forward a copy to the subdivider and the subdivider's land surveyor and civil engineer of record.
(C) Follow up. Following receipt of reviewing agency comments, the Planning and Zoning Department staff may coordinate a meeting between the subdivider and/or his or her agent; and the various responding agencies for the purpose of clarifying comments and outstanding issues arising from the subdivision plat review. The purpose of this coordination meeting is to promote compliance with the intent of these regulations and attempt to reach consensus on issues prior to presentation of the preliminary plat of subdivision to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(D) Public review. If the preliminary plat is in conformance with these regulations, it shall be placed on the agenda for review at the next scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The subdivider or his or her representatives shall be mailed a notification of the time and place set for consideration of the preliminary subdivision plat at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) The Commission shall, at the scheduled meeting or such further meeting to which the matter may be continued, hear or consider all evidence presented relating to the preliminary plat.
(B) If satisfied that all objectives of these regulations have been met, the Commission shall recommend approval of the preliminary plat to the Town Council.
(C) If the Commission is not satisfied that all objectives of these regulations have been met, the Commission shall recommend denial of the preliminary plat to the Town Council or the plat shall be held over or continued pending revision, re-submittal, processing or for other reasons.
(D) A copy of the Planning and Zoning Department's report on the proposed subdivision and the Director's formal recommendation shall be filed with the Town Clerk and minutes setting out the action of the Commission shall be transmitted to the Town Council, to the subdivider and/or owner and to reviewing departments and agencies as may be deemed advisable by the Commission.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)