A.   Inoculation Required: Each owner or keeper of any dog or cat within the City shall cause the dog or cat to be inoculated by a licensed veterinarian and shall maintain a current rabies inoculation for such dog or cat at all times. Current status shall be determined by the rules and standards of the State Department of Agriculture and by the United States Department of Agriculture.
   B.   Inoculation Tag: The animal control officer shall be the official responsible for and charged with the duty of issuing the inoculation tag evidencing the administration of a valid rabies inoculation required by subsection A of this section.
   C.   Attachment To Collar: Each dog or cat kept within the City shall be provided by its owner or keeper with a good and substantial collar, and shall cause to be attached in a secure manner a current inoculation tag. The owner or keeper shall at all times cause the dog or cat to wear the collar with inoculation tag attached.
   D.   Removal Of Tag: Any dog or cat found within the City, but off of the premises occupied by the owner of the dog or cat and not wearing a collar with inoculation tag attached as required under this section shall be impounded and disposed of as provided in this chapter. (1997 Code)
   E.   Penalty: Anyone found guilty of violating this section shall be subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this Code. (Ord. 0-19-01, 2-25-2019)