The City of Cologne declares in the public interest to limit the use of the city water supply for lawn sprinkling or lawn arrogation (hereinafter sprinkling) in order to conserve and efficiently use the city’s water resources. No owner, occupier, or manager of any property within the city shall knowingly conduct sprinkling operations contrary to the provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 156, passed 6-3-2002)
Sprinkling within the city shall be limited by property address with all properties assigned an odd address number permitted to sprinkle on odd-numbered dates and properties being assigned an even-numbered address being permitted to sprinkle on even-numbered dates.
(Ord. 156, passed 6-3-2002)
At no time shall any sprinkling operations be conducted between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any day.
(Ord. 156, passed 6-3-2002) Penalty, see § 10.99
No sprinkling operations shall be knowingly conducted at any time during a natural rain event. All commercial, industrial, and institutional sprinkling systems shall be installed with rain sensors designed to prevent sprinkling during rain events. Existing commercial, industrial, and institutional sprinkling systems shall require that rain sensors be installed to monitor the system no later than 8-1-2003.
(Ord. 156, passed 6-3-2002) Penalty, see § 10.99
Lawn sprinkling which is conducted by exclusive use of water drawn from private wells are exempted from the provision of this subchapter, except that the city requires provisions relating to odd- and even-day watering to be complied with to provide for uniform application and monitoring of sprinkling within the city.
(Ord. 156, passed 6-3-2002)