The following modifications and amendments to the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) are hereby adopted:
(A) Amend Section C101.1 "Title" so when amended it reads as follows:
C101.1 Title. This code shall be known as the Energy Conservation Code of the Town of Collierville, and shall be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this code."
(B) Delete Section C104 "Fees" and all subsections under it and reserve the section number so when amended it reads as follows:
Section C104 - Reserved
(C) Amend Section C105.2.6 "Final inspection" so when amended it reads as follows:
C105.2.6 Final inspection. The building shall have a final inspection and shall not be occupied until approved. The final inspection shall include verification of the installation and proper operation of all required building controls.
(D) Amend Section C109.1 "General" so when amended it reads as follows:
C109.1 General. The Town of Collierville, Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall be the appeals body which is authorized to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the code official regarding the application and interpretation of this code.
(E) Delete Section C109.2 "Limitations on authority" without replacement.
(F) Delete Section C109.3 "Qualifications" without replacement.
(G) Amend Section C301.1 "General" so when amended it reads as follows:
C301.1 General - Climate zones in Figure C301.1 or Table C301.1 shall be used in determining the applicable requirements from Chapters 4 and 5.
(H) Amend Section C403.5 "Economizers" by adding a new exception #7 which reads as follows:
7. Buildings, which due to their size or intended use, and based on an analysis provided by the engineer and satisfactory to the Building Official, will not realize an economic payback on the use of this equipment within a 10 year equipment life assumption.
(I) Amend Section C405.2.3 "Daylight response controls" by adding a new exception #5 which reads as follows:
5. Any area or room which classifies as a single daylight control zone which does not have fenestration that exceeds 250 square feet.
(J) Delete Section C408 "Maintenance information and system commissioning" and all its subsections, without replacement.
(K) Amend Section C503.2 "Change in space conditioning" so when amended it reads as follows:
C503.2 Change in space conditioning- Any non-conditioned space that exceeds 5% of the building, in which it is located, which is altered to become conditioned space shall be required to be brought into full compliance with this code. The Building Official may look back for two years prior to the application to capture other projects during that time that increased the floor area of conditioned space and total those previously conditioned areas with the proposed project's area to determine if the applicable area threshold is exceeded.
(L) Amend Section R101.1 "Title" so when amended it reads as follows:
R101.1 Title. This code shall be known as the Energy Conservation Code of the Town of Collierville and shall be cited as such. It is referred to herein as "this code."
(M) Delete Section R104 "Fees" and all subsections under it and reserve the section number so when amended it reads as follows:
Section R104 - Reserved
(N) Delete Section R109.1 "General" in its entirety and replace with the following:
R109.1 General. The Town of Collierville, Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall be the appeals body which is authorized to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the code official regarding the application and interpretation of this code.
(O) Delete Section R109.2 "Limitations on authority" without replacement.
(P) Delete Section R109.3 "Qualifications" without replacement.
(Q) Delete Section R401.3 "Certificate" without replacement.
(R) Amend Table R402.1.2 as follows:
Table R402.1.2
Climate Zone | Fenestration U-Factorb | Skylight U-Factorb | Glazed Fenestration SHGCb | Ceiling R-Factor | Wood Frame Wall R-Value | Mass Wall R-Valuef | Floor R-Value | Basement Wall R-Valuee | Slab R-Value & Depthd | Crawl Space Wall R-Valuec |
3 | .50 | .65 | .35 | 30 | 13 | 5/8 | 19 | 5/13 | 0 | 5/13
a- R-Values are minimums. U-factors and SHGC are maximums. R-19 batts compressed into normal 2x6 framing such that the R-value is reduced by R-l or more shall be marked with the compressed batt R-value in addition to full thickness R-value.
b- The fenestration U-factor column excludes skylights. The SHGC column applied to all glazed fenestration.
c- "5/13" means R-5 continuous insulated sheathing on the interior or exterior of the home or R-l 3 insulation at the interior of the crawl space wall.
d- R-5 shall be added to the required slab edge R-values for heated slabs. Insulation depth shall be the depth of the footing or 2 feet, whichever is less in Zone 3 for heated slabs.
e- Basement wall insulation shall not be required in warm-humid locations as defined by Figure R301 and Table 301.1.
f- The second R-value applies when more than half of the insulation is on the interior of the mass wall.
g- For impact rated fenestration complying with Section R301.2.1.2 of the International Residential Code or Section 1609.1.2 of the International Building Code, the maximum U-factor shall be 0.65.
(S) Amend Table R402.1.4 as follows:
Table R402.1.4
Climate Zone | Fenestration U-Factor | Skylight U-Factor | Ceiling U-Factor | Frame Wall U-Factor | Wall Mass U-Factor | Floor U-Factor | Baseme nt Wall U-Factor | Crawl Space Wall U-Factor |
3 | .50 | .65 | .035 | .082 | .141 | .047 | .091 | .136 |
(T) Amend Section R402.2.4 entitled "Access hatches and doors" so when amended it reads as follows:
R402.2.4 Access hatches and doors. Access hatches from conditioned spaces to unconditioned spaces such as attics and crawl spaces shall be weather-stripped.
(U) Amend Section R402.3.3 entitled "Glazed fenestration exemption" so when amended it reads as follows:
R402.3.3 Glazed fenestration exemption. Up to 45 square feet (4.2 M2) of glazed fenestration per dwelling unit shall be permitted to be exempt from the U-factor and SHGC requirements in Section R402.1.2. This exemption shall not apply to the U-factor alternative approach in Section R402.1.4 and the Total UA alternative in Section R402.1.5.
(V) Delete existing Table R402.4.1.1 entitled "Air Barrier and Insulation Component Criteria" and replace it with the following table:
Table R402.4.1.1
Air Barrier and Insulation Component Criteria
Air Barrier and Thermal Insulation | Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls is installed in substantial contact or continuous alignment with the building envelope air barrier. Breaks or joints in air barrier are filled and repaired. Air-permeable insulation is not used as a sealing material. Air-permeable insulation is inside of an air barrier. |
Ceiling/Attic | Air barrier in dropped ceiling/soffit is substantially aligned with insulation and any gaps are sealed. Attic access, knee wall door, or drop down stair is sealed. |
Walls | Corners and headers are sealed. Junction with foundation and sill plate is sealed. |
Windows and Doors | Space between windows/door jams and framing is sealed |
Rim Joists | Rim joints are insulated and include air barrier. |
Floors (including above garage and cantilevered) | Insulation installed to maintain permanent contact with underside of subfloor decking. Air barrier is installed at any exposed edge of insulation. |
Crawl Space Walls | Insulation is permanently attached to walls. Exposed earth in unvented crawl space is covered with Class 1 vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. |
Shafts, Penetrations | Duct shafts, utility penetrations, knee walls and flue shafts opening to exterior or unconditioned space are sealed. |
Narrow Cavities | Batts in narrow cavities are cut to fit or narrow cavities are filled with sprayed or blown insulation. |
Garage Separation | Air sealing is provided between the garage and conditioned spaces. |
Recessed Lighting | Recessed light fixtures are air tight, IC rated, and sealed to drywall. Exception-fixtures in conditioned space. |
Plumbing and Wiring | Insulation is placed between outside and pipes. Batt insulation is cut to fit around wiring and plumbing, or sprayed/blown insulation extends behind piping and wiring. |
Shower/Tub on Exterior Wall | Showers and tubs on exterior wall have insulation and an air barrier separating them from an exterior wall. |
Electrical/Phone Box on Exterior Walls | Air barrier extends behind box or air-sealed type boxes are installed. |
Common Wall | Air barrier is installed in common wall between dwelling units. |
HVAC Register Boots | HVAC register boots that penetrate building envelope are sealed to subfloor or drywall. |
Fireplace | Fireplace walls include an air barrier. |
Concealed Sprinklers | When required to be sealed, concealed fire sprinklers shall only be sealed in a manner that is recommended by the manufacturer. Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids between fire sprinkler cover plates and walls or ceilings. |
(W) Delete Section R402.4.1.2 entitled "Testing" in its entirety and reserve the section number so when amended it reads as follows:
Section R402.4.1.2 - Reserved
(X) Amend Section R403.3.3 entitled "Duct testing" so when amended it reads as follows:
Section R403.3.3 - Reserved.
(Y) Amend Section R403.3.4 entitled "Duct leakage" so when amended it reads as follows:
Section R403.3.4 - Reserved.
(Ord. 2020-06, passed 9-14-20; Am. Ord. 2021-19, passed 12-13-21; Am. Ord. 2024-03, passed 4-8-24)