(A)   Purpose and intent. All exterior lighting shall be designed and installed to maintain adequate, safe illumination levels in public areas and on private lands, utilizing durable light fixtures and minimal mounting heights that minimize objectionable off-site glare. It is the intent of this section to provide clear guidelines so that lighting adequately serves the site while minimizing negative impacts on surrounding properties.
   (B)   Applicability. Unless exempted, the provisions of this section shall apply to multi-family residential, commercial, and mixed-use development.
   (C)   Public and private lighting distinguished. For the purposes of this section, public light poles and fixtures shall refer to lighting intended to illuminate public rights-of-way and streets. Private lighting fixtures shall refer lighting intended to illuminate private parking areas, private drives, alleys, common areas, buildings, and other lighting on private property.
   (D)   Exemptions.
      (1)   Individual residential lighting that is not reviewed as part of a site plan.
      (2)   Lighting associated with temporary uses that have been permitted, provided that the lighting meets standards of this section.
      (3)   Temporary outdoor light fixtures used as holiday decoration provided per § 151.175(Q), holiday lighting.
      (4)   Government facility lighting necessary for public safety.
      (5)   Fossil fuel lighting - all outdoor light fixtures producing light directly from the combustion of fossil fuels.
      (6)   Emergency lighting, provided the use of the lighting is temporary and discontinued immediately upon abatement of the emergency necessitating the lighting.
      (7)   Underwater lighting used for illumination of swimming pools and fountains.
      (8)   Decorative light fixtures using lamps 60 watts or less.
   (E)   Lighting submittal requirements. Any development that proposes exterior lighting shall include a detailed exterior lighting plan as part of the application unless waived by the Development Director or designee.
   (F)   Lighting style and compatibility.
      (1)   General requirement.
         (a)   Fixture style, design, and compatibility.
            1.   Private lighting fixtures shall be:
               a.   A design and size compatible with the principal building of a development and adjacent areas, and shall be designed to be an integral part of the entire development of the site. Compatibility shall be determined by the Collierville Design Guidelines.
               b.   Be either a fixture appropriate for a traditional area or a conventional area as defined by the Collierville Design Guidelines.
            2.   Public lighting fixtures, such as streetlights located within the public ROW, shall be selected from MLG&W’s most current list of poles and fixtures approved for use within Collierville. The developer shall specify the type streetlight to be used within the ROW at the time the development agreement information sheet (DAIS) is submitted.
         (b)   Lamp sources. Metal halide, incandescent, LED, and compact fluorescent are allowable forms of exterior lighting. The same light source shall be used for the same or similar types of lighting on any one site throughout any development.
         (c)   All wiring for outdoor lighting shall be concealed.
         (d)   Lighting fixture shielding shall be arranged to minimize glare, spillover, and reflection upon adjacent lands. The maximum level of spillover shall be in accordance with Table 151.190-02.
         (e)   Lighting values will be based on maintained illuminance.
         (f)   Per § 1006 of the 2003 International Building Code, a light corridor measured from the exit discharge from a means of egress from a building to a public way shall be provided, with a minimum width of ten feet and a minimum of 1.0 footcandle measured at the ground level. The Building Official may make exceptions as needed for historic buildings.
         (g)   Lighting should meet the minimum Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) standards, and shall not exceed 200% of the recommended values. Lighting shall comply with the standards in Table 151.190-03. Lighting level calculations shall be based on maintained lamp lumens and 1.0 maintenance factor.
At Property Line
10 feet from Property Line
Adjacent to commercial
Adjacent to residential
      (2)   Light levels in parking areas and outdoor areas.
         (a)   Parking lot lighting levels shall meet the levels noted in Table 151.190-03.
Basic [2]
Enhanced Security [2]
Min. horizontal illuminance
0.2 FC
0.5 FC
Uniformity ratio, max. to min. for
[1]   These are the minimum light levels recommended per IES RP-20
[2]   FC = Footcandles
[3]   For average value design and average value of 1.0 FC for basic or 2.5 FC for enhanced illuminance may be used.
         (b)   In order to maintain uniformity in light levels across a development and prevent or minimize dark areas, the ratio of maximum to minimum lighting levels on a given site or parcel of land as measured in footcandles at ground level, shall not exceed twenty-to-one (20:1) in residential developments or fifteen-to-one (15:1) in the nonresidential and mixed-use developments. Parking lots shall maintain the same uniformity ratios as the principal use they serve.
      (3)   Pole-mounted lights. Freestanding light fixtures shall be in proportion with the building and shall not exceed building height. Pole-mounted light fixtures within or near residential areas shall not exceed the heights described in Table 151.190.02.
Distance To Residential Zoning District
Maximum Height Limit
< 50 ft.
14 ft.
50 ft. - 100 ft.
25 ft.
100 ft. - 150 ft.
30 ft.
         (a)   Pole-mounted lighting shall be designed so that the poles do not interfere with other elements of the approved site such as trees, landscaping, and parking.
         (b)   Pole-mounted light fixtures shall be full cutoff.
         (c)   Pedestrian areas should be lighted with appropriately scaled poles and luminaries. Their heights shall be no taller than 14 feet when adjacent to residential areas.
         (d)   Light pole heights shall be no taller than 30 feet tall. The Design Review Commission may review and approve 35-foot tall poles on a case by case basis.
      (4)   Wall-mounted lights.
         (a)   Building-mounted light fixtures within and near residential areas shall not exceed the heights described in Table 151.190.02.
         (b)   Building-mounted light fixtures (other than decorative only fixtures) shall be cutoff or full cutoff fixture type.
         (c)   Building-mounted light fixtures shall be in proportion with the building and shall not exceed the building height when “arm-mounted” lights are used.
         (d)   Wall packs on buildings may be used at entrances to a building to light unsafe areas. They are not intended to draw attention to the building or provide general building or site lighting.
         (e)   Decorative wall mounted fixtures using lamps with 60 watts or more and installed primarily to add architectural detail to a building rather than used primarily as a light source shall have the lamp source shielded such as metal louvers to reduce objectionable glare. Decorative light fixtures using lamps less 60 watts or less will be exempt from the required shielding requirements.
      (5)   Spotlights and floodlights.
         (a)   Floodlights shall have the lamp source shielded by using barn doors, glare shields, fixed hood or grid louvers.
         (b)   All flood lights shall be installed such that the fixture shall be screened such that no portion of the bulb extends beyond the edge of the external shield to provide screen of the bulb from view.
         (c)   Lighting fixtures shall be selected, located, aimed, and shielded so that direct illumination is focused exclusively on the building façade, plantings, and other intended site features and away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.
      (6)   Outdoor sports field/outdoor performance area lighting.
         (a)   The mounting height of outdoor sports field and outdoor performance area lighting fixtures shall not exceed 80 feet from finished grade unless approved by the Design Review Commission if there are no adverse effects on surrounding properties.
         (b)   All outdoor sports field and outdoor performance area lighting fixtures shall be equipped with a glare control package (louvers, shields, or similar devices).
         (c)   The fixtures must be aimed so that their beams are directed and fall within the primary playing field or performance area so that no direct light illuminations are directed off site.
         (d)   Spill light values shall not exceed 0.2 footcandle (FC) horizontal levels at 150 feet beyond the field boundary.
         (e)   Lighting for all recreational facilities and outdoor performance areas shall be reviewed by the Design Review Commission on a case by case basis.
         (f)   No outdoor recreational facility, outdoor performance, shall be illuminated after 11:00 p.m. except to conclude recreational activity or performance conducted at the facility prior to 11:00 p.m.
      (7)   Lighting for vehicular canopies.
         (a)   Areas under a vehicular canopy shall not exceed 20 footcandles.
         (b)   Lighting under vehicular canopies shall be designed so there is no glare created off-site.
         (c)   Fixtures shall be fully-recessed lighting fixtures with the bottom of the lens flush with the canopy.
      (8)   Lighting of outdoor display areas.
         (a)   Parking lot outdoor areas shall be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of division (F)(2) of this section. Outdoor display areas shall have a maximum average of illuminance of 24 maintained footcandles.
         (b)   All light fixtures shall meet the IESNA definition of cutoff fixtures.
         (c)   The mounting height of outdoor display area fixtures shall not exceed maximum pole height requirements of Table 151.190.02. Exceptions will be reviewed by the Design Review Commission on a case-by-case basis.
      (9)   Sign lighting. Illuminating signs shall be aimed and shielded so that direct illumination is focused exclusively on the sign. Top down mounting of lighting fixtures is required wherever possible.
      (10)   Decorative architectural lighting of buildings, arbors, landscaping, and similar features. For all forms of decorative lighting other than holiday decorating lighting, which is considered to be illuminated tubing or strings of lights outlining property lines, rooflines, or wall edges of buildings, the following shall apply:
         (a)   Lighting fixtures shall be selected, located, aimed and shielded so that direct illumination is focused exclusively on the building façade, plantings, and other intended site feature and away from adjoining properties and the public street right-of-way.
         (b)   Lights, including string lighting, added to arbors, pergolas, between buildings over pedestrian ways and outdoor seating areas, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
   (G)   Location.
      (1)   All outdoor lighting fixtures shall be kept out of and at least two feet away from any required perimeter or streetscape buffer, and tree save area.
      (2)   The layout of lighting shall be designed so that poles do not interfere with other elements of the approved site such as trees, landscaping, and parking.
    (H)   Prohibited Lighting.
      (1)   No exterior lighting shall have any blinking, flashing or fluttering lights or other illuminating device that has a changing light intensity, brightness, or color.
      (2)   Ornamental style light fixtures that rely on prismatic glass, acrylic, polycarbonate outer globes, or glass refractors as the only lamp shielding shall be prohibited.
      (3)   Awnings used for building accents over doors, windows, or similar features, shall not be internally illuminated (i.e., from underneath or behind the awning).
      (4)   Flood lights/lamps, spot lights or any other similar lighting shall not be used to illuminate buildings or other site features unless approved as an integral architectural element on the development plan.
      (5)   Illuminated tubing or strings of lights outlining property lines, rooflines, or wall edges of buildings are prohibited except as provided in § 151.175(Q), holiday lighting.
      (6)   Exposed neon lights.
      (7)   Fixtures that create off-site glare.
      (8)   Fixtures deemed architecturally inconsistent with the Design Guidelines.
   (I)   Final inspection. When a lighting plan is required, the owner/builder must supply the town with a final letter of certification from the lighting engineer, qualified lighting professional, or lighting manufacturer verifying that all site lighting is installed according to town standards, the approved plans, and any applicable conditions before certificates of occupancy are released.
(Ord. 2009-16, passed 11-23-09)